The whole JRPG vs CRPG, WRPG, ARPG, TRPG etc is all bullshit for the most part, I hope we are in agreement about this. However, there are some similarities and common elements between these categories that make them semi-useful at times. That being said, Im usually more of a WRPG guy. Fallout New Vegas, Mount and Blade Warband, Deus Ex etc are some of my favs. However for RPGs made in japan my number of examples I can call back on to say "yeah I love these" is more limited, and I would like to see if I can figure out why using a list format with the JRPGs which I like.

As to the JRPGs I tried but didnt like : DragonQuest9, Digital Devil Saga 1, Persona 2 : Innocent Sin, Mary Skelter Nightmares, PersonaQ, Soul Sacrifice. Honourable Mentions to The World Ends With You and Yakuza 0 which I didnt hate but just sort of didnt grab me idk I have ADHD. Ditto Fire Emblem and FF7

This is going to be the stand in for all pokemon games cause lets be real they're all the same basically. Not particularly original I know, everyone and their grandma has played and enjoyed Pokemon for its monster collecting and low mechanical complexity (at the casual level anyways).
Yeah yeah, I know, apparently this series is now known for being "JRPGs for people who dont like JRPGs" for some reason. I think i just really enjoy Urban Fantasy, and the modern day setting makes it stand out from the standard fantasy stuff that in my perception at least seems to represent the majority of RPGs of its type. As with Pokemon this entry stands for all the persona games in general, I like 1, 3, 4 and 5
Similar to Persona really, you could argue this is the precursor to that game, although this one suffers a bit from "not using a guide will get annoying" syndrome
The combat is kinda weird? But I quite like this game. Again a non fantasy setting, but I think thats part of why I enjoy it. Also the heavy use of prerendered backgrounds has made the visuals generally age more gracefully than a lot of its contemporaries
Stands for the whole souls series, some would say this is an ARPG and not a JRPG but as mentioned previously these categories are bullshit
Okay this is apparently a chinese game? The steam page describing it as a "chinese jrpg" is pretty fucking funny to me so Ill include it here just for that. It does strike at the issue here that JRPG and WRPG weirdly seem less a declaration of origin and more of a sense of where its design decisions originate from. Its why undertale gets called a JRPG.
Okay, this is also not made in japan but cmon its an ATB RPG Maker game inspired by earthbound/undertale, surely it counts!
Freaky dungeon crawling card battler, idk I dug it
More of a platformer with RPG elements but whatever, fuck you
Cool little Urban Fantasy turn based RPG, technically a card battler but not really.
So what have we learned? Not much, other than genre names are bullshit. Also I seem to enjoy Urban Fantasy and just generally non standard fantasy stuff, which admittedly I already knew. Anyways if you have any suggestions I wont promise Ill play them anytime soon but theyre appreciated. Special attention to anything Urban Fantasy, Hard Sci-Fi, Real Life Historic/Current Day, Post Apocalypse, Pirate or Desert Island themed

1 Comment

11 months ago

To be frank, RPG is kinda of vague genre label in general and i've also seen someone argue that RPG is not even a genre anymore

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