Recurring Custom Characters

You ever make a custom character you're fond of so much you start making the same character in different games? Or maybe just sharing the same name. Either way, Im collecting examples of these recurring characters. Suggestions welcome, list the first game they appeared in, name, maybe physical appearance(or not) or any kind of backstory or lore if you made one up for em + whatever details you want to add, whether they like pineapple on pizza etc

The first appearance of this character was in Fallout New Vegas for my first "kill everything" run. I thought of the name "Dick McNugget" as appropriate for a cannibal murderman and it made me laugh so much at my own stupid joke I started to name all my custom characters that, with subsequent playthroughs named Dick McNugget II, Dick McNugget the Third etc. There's not much of a common physical aspect to this character, its mostly to make myself laugh so usually the ugliest mfer I can manage. Personality wise at first it was clearly just your average murderhobo cannibal, but nowadays the character is much less defined in this aspect, it depends on what type of playthrough Im doing. His backstory in New Vegas is that he killed the real Courier Six and stole his clothes just in time to get shot by Claymation Chandler Bing. This has the added benefit of deleting the Lonesome Road backstory from my character's canon heehee
Count Lemongrab - DeemonAndGames


The Dick McNugget dynasty is one to be proud of...

Love seing this 'cause creating custom cahracters and using them in different games is probably one of the funniest things ever for me, like creating the third Mario brother called Maurice in Smash Bros as a dumb joke and ending up using him as the main character in my Miitopia playthrough or building up entire family tree lines with some friends through our characters in GTA Online and Red Dead Online...

But probably my favorite I've ever done is making Count Lemongrab from Adventure Time in Dark Souls 3 and then using himin both DS2 and Elden Ring; there's something so funny to me about that menace of a being just showing up as an Ashen One and imagining him screaming *UNACCEPTABLE! at bosses; he and the way he looks clash compeltely with the rest of the world and that somehow makes him fit even more. I know he isn't really a ''Custom Character'' since he isn't completely original, but still, he's my favorite by far and when I finally replay DS1 I'll eb sure to also make him on there xD

2 days ago

For the FromSoft games I made my character's name a joke based off the title: Dark Saul, Demon's Saul, Jason Borne, Ellen Ring. Ellen Ring I actually grew really attached to so I might reuse her in other games.

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