Top 5 Games of 2022 (that came out in 2022)

Most of the games I loved last year came out before 2022 but whatever, might as well praise the ones that did come out last year. Honourable mentions to Feather Park, Post Disclosure Devils Night, The Bombs have been dropped Im Listening to Steely Dan and wearing cheap sunglasses, Save Room and Frog Detective 3

I am obsessed with this game, I hate it, but Ive also played it like 6 times so...
Elden Ring
Elden Ring
Its the game I have the most hours in for 2022. It has its flaws, a lot of the bosses are annoyingly designed, the general trend of making you faster and more rolly necessitating every enemy have one million hit combos with godlike tracking kinda pissed me off way more than previous souls games, but the open world compensates for it by allowing you to utterly break the game with levelling and crazy builds/ashes/spells etc
Harmony's Odyssey
Harmony's Odyssey
Lovely little diorama puzzle game.
Solid 3D Platformer, made me rage slightly during the rhythm section
Pokémon Violet
Pokémon Violet
An unfinished, buggy piece of shit that nevertheless had me hooked catching all the new and returning mons in its rudimentary but charming open world


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