Maybe losing in charm and emotional efficiency by feeling longer and more aimed at building stuff... but gaining intensity in places where Undertale still emits its distant radiance to me, mystery.
Felt less of a connection with an approach that feels less authentic, but really liking where this is going in terms of gameplay and narrative, and it still holds the previously hilarious stuff and cute characters.

Back when Undertale came out, like almost 10 fucking years ago, I fell in love with my whole soul. That shit was fucking speaking to me at a time when I wasn't mentally well.
As time passed by, I grew to kinda despise Undertale, still giving it credit for how I loved it but putting it in the same bag as all that I liked at the time, "cringe", especially for how disproportionate and dumb my relationship to the game was.
I was somewhat prepared to have the same feeling for Deltarune, but this shit blew me away. Seeing the characters I have loved 10 years ago in that setting was so emotional. Seeing the overlapping of my own life with the game events with an Asriel that has now grown enough to go to college and leave his divorced family longing for him... hearing the old musical themes... examinating the same butterscotch pie... watching this universe grow in parallel of my own journey is completely breaking me. I don't really know how to describe that relationship, but fuck, it's making me sad.
In parallel to that, Deltarune still managed to be fresh as hell, with its—very effective on me—humour, its lovely characters—in love with Ralsei—its still engaging soundtracks and its effective gameplay.
I have no idea if ever coming back to Undertale will make me love it again or not, but I can say that Deltarune is a treasure, a funny, creative and ever so sweet treasure.