Seemed more fun than it was.

No comment. If you know what this is, then you do.

Fun twist on the classic tower defense game.

I mean... it's a 4k rhythm game? I don't know what more to add.

Is a phone game and feels like it.

Mainly carried by the atmosphere and vibes. If you're not that into Harry Potter I don't recommend it.

Mainly a social media, but with some player creativity. It's fun seeing your friends in VR though.

Very nice gameplay loop with some varied ways to play and a good artstyle, although quite short.

Uhhh yeah, idle game with anime girls that is slightly lewd

One of the best stories I've ever experienced.


Fun but sadly a tad bit too serious at times..

Finished all content in around 4 hours... was quite a fun concept but the gameplay was so stale me and my friends all had brainrot by the time we were done.

Quite good with friends but quickly lost what made it fun, no fault of the game though. Very good execution of the concept.