Much better than the first one. The story is much more complex and interesting. I think some people might hate the revenge plot and the twist at the start. However, I feel they gave the story much more depth and investment. Gameplay was also miles better. No reused filler sections, better combat, better levels. Don't understand the hate this game gets. My only complaint is that Ellie is really unlikable and I much rather have Abby.

The story and gameplay were a lot more mid than I was expecting. The story was very one dimensional. I get it's about human relationships and what they do in the face of an apocalypse. Who cares though? There is not much more depth other than that. Best part is when the dudes brother gets infected. Gameplay is also very tame and has tons of filler. Not even good for a Naughty Dog narrative game.

Breath of The Wild 2. It's good because it's Breath of The Wild 2 but it suffers from the same problems as BOTW. The dungeons are lacking and I don't really think they are legit dungeons. The side content is great but needs to be better rewards. Felt better than BOTW tho. The Depths was extremely interesting but once you've explored it you have seen it all. I feel like this is more DLC than a new game so I wouldn't consider it better than Breath of The Wild but it is one of two games that can give you this kind of experience. That makes it good by default.

Not really much content here but a good challenge.

Only good because it has the new divine beast.

Easily one of the best games of all time. A lot of issues that need to be fixed in the future releases. However, due to the originality and scope of this project, any problems can be overlooked. Amazing experience.

One of the best games of all time easily. Great remake, with the only problem being Ada's voice acting. Some parts were annoying on Hardcore but I'll chalk it up to me not being good enough, though some enemies are just flat out annoying to fight. The new quest system was cool and added some unique experiences to previous areas.

A chill experience. Not too hard or difficult in the slightest. The game revolves around the characters you meet around the way and the world you inhabit. The world itself is interesting enough as a backdrop for the characters. Seeing the stories of these characters play out as you slowly start putting pieces together is the highlight of the experience. My main gripe is for a game that is supposed to be massive about the decisions you make, the ending feels very linear with only 3 possible endings. Most of which are the same thing with slight differences. The ending also focuses on, in my opinion, the worst members of the cast. Good for that chill story that you can complete in 8 hours. I don't think it is worth much of a replay though, despite that being a selling point of the game it seems.