6 Reviews liked by LuckyLinc


Every single day I play this game and dance to Dan Dan Dubi Zuba to stay in peak physical condition

esse jogo é tão elogiado, ver alguém falando mal dele é raridade, então eu resolvi dar uma chance

os gráficos são realmente bonitos, mas eu achei difícil de perceber por onde eu podia andar e o que dava pra interagir em algumas áreas
eu também esperava que as cenas em anime fossem mais presentes, eu parei na primeira visita ao fim dos tempos e teve só uma única cena e ainda foi uma paia

mas o ponto que realmente me incomodou foi a história, nada nela foi interessante pra me fazer continuar o jogo (e não foi por falta de paciência, eu ainda joguei por umas 6 ou 7 horas), além dos personagens, que não consegui gostar de nenhum deles levando em conta o que vi até onde eu fui

até agora eu tava tipo "não to achando ruim a ponto de dropar, mas também não to com vontade de continuar" e fui fazendo um esforço, mas acabei cansando

If you ever want to play a star wars story with the serials all filed off, this is it. A weak protagonist, a weak story, a weak world, all the best things about 12 are the mechanics. Some of the fights are really fun, and the game is very content rich.
12s real utility is being the benchmark to judge all other ffs on. Worse than 12? Dogshit. Better than 12? Good. Its entirely middle of the road in am aggressive way.

Balthier deserved better than to be sidelined in his own game.

I could not finish playing this game. Its so god damn boring that it made me question why i even play video games. Im confused on why the gambit system was even made. Its literally the antithesis of gameplay. most of the game is spent just walking around giant empty wastelands and having you guys auto kill anything they aggro onto. Its not the worse game ever but so much of the game is just a nothing burger. The story is something that i feel like if you were trying to write a story to be objectively good. Art, however is subjective, so that why something like ffx would be a more enjoyable story. X has more emotion and evokes more feeling from the player with memorable characters. XII doesnt really have memorable characters, everyone looks the same besides the bunny lady. Nobody is intriguing or have any real compelling reasons for doing anything. The princess is such a empty character. The entire game she just spouts "I must restore dalmasca" and has no real substance. She has a dead husband who dies at the literal beginning of the game, and i feel nothing for this character i know absolutely nothing about. Nor do i feel sad for the character in my party who i know nothing about besides that she wants to restore dalmasca. Gameplay is literally just holding the left stick forward. While it is cathartic to kill a boss by doing nothing, its also tiring to not do anything. At this point, just have the character move themselves. Theres not really any banger tracks in this because there no random encounters. The everything being green thing really start to drag down on you. The reason i talked mostly about the characters and story is because there really isnt anything to say about the gameplay. It just plays itself and i imagine that if you played this game on the base version without the fast forward button, i'd probably end myself.

Riding off of 358/2 Days, I expected something better as this game is on a handheld with higher fidelity than the DS, but this game took everything I liked and appreciated about Days and took a big ol' horse shit on it.

If I had to describe this game in one word, it'd be "useless."
This game fails at everything it attempts to do. The characters are terrible, by having another trio reflection of Sora, Riku, and Kairi, but with no personality or defining character traits to make them stand out. The first instance of downright terrible writing in the series, with characters being so oblivious to Xehanort's motives that it almost borders on being a satire of the plot of the Star Wars' prequels. And the worst gameplay in the series, with terrible mechanics such as Command Finishers, Command Styles, and Shotlocks, bundled together in an engine that is two steps away from shitting itself.

For a game that is meant to set up the next major story arc in the series, it's the most contrived, convoluted, and boring series of retcons I have ever had the displeasure of experiencing.