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5h 0m

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Least fun addition to the main game, in my opinion.

BioShock 2: The Protector Trials, is a DLC in which you need to defend the Little Sister while she is harvesting Adam. You do this on six different maps, each with three difficulties.

For me, it was the kick of earning all the achievements that made me play this DLC. Other than that, I did not really like it. It can be so frustrating when enemies come from all directions, or when you discover that one of your perfectly set-up traps, did not work.

The chaos made me lose control of the situation sometimes and for this reason, the fun-o-meter dropped rapidly.

The new plasmids are a small, redeeming factor, but the fixed loadouts on the other hands were terrible.

But I have to say, when finally completing all the Trials, a feeling of pride and achievement washed over me.

Nevertheless, in the end, I think this DLC did not need to exist.