Top 10 Favorite PS1 Games

Here's a list of my favorite games from the PS1. These are my opinions so don't light me on fire please. I think the PS1 is my second favorite console. It had a lot of fun classic games. I hope you agree.

You're gonna see this game on a lot of my lists. It's my favorite JRPG of all time. Everything about it really hits me in a good way. I hope more attention get's brought to this game.
I wanted to put all 3 PS1 Spyro games on here but I decided to limit it to the best one of the bunch to create some more variety. Spyro is a fun and challenging series and each game adds to the last in fun ways. This one has good level designs, characters, and challenges for you to discover.
This is for sure my favorite Final Fantasy game. I replayed it again recently and it still holds up well. All the characters are fun and the different combinations of parties you can make adds a lot of variety to the game. If you're gonna play one of the old school Final Fantasy games, this is the best of them.
When I originally played this as a youngin', I only had the demo on one of those Pizza Hut demo discs they used to give out to people. It used to be scary to me and I had no idea that it was a comedy game. After playing it again in 2022, I realized that it was a comedy game and actually laughed a good amount of times. It's got a lot to do and an interesting story to go along with it.
Brave Fencer Musashi is definitely underrated and has a fun, almost Kirby-like mechanic where you can absorb enemies to gain different powers. It's got some voice acting and fun soundtracks. It's got a variety of enemies, puzzles, and mechanics that keep you engaged the whole time.
A classic game with a bangin' soundtrack. It's an upgraded version of the first game and every minute of it is fun. If you haven't played THPS2 are you really living?
Absolutely F**K this game. It frustrates me more than almost any other game I've played. That being said I 200%'d it only to find out you could 201% it if you made a specific decision in the beginning of the play through. So I'm never playing this game again unless it gets remastered. It's a bunch of mini games that absolutely favor the computers for the most part, but I still enjoyed playing it despite how angry it made me.
I always preferred Digimon to Pokemon, but the Digimon games were never really comparable to the Pokemon games. The first Digimon World is definitely one of the more fun games of their franchise. It's frustrating at points, but if you figure out the way the game works it can be fun to adventure and build the town back up.
The controls for this game are god awful, and it's pretty difficult, but it's still fun and challenging. I found I couldn't put the controller down, even when I died from the same damn plant 20 times in a row. It takes a bit to get a rhythm for the game, but once you do it can be oddly charming. I'll likely play the other old From Software games soon.
This is a highly underrated game that not a ton of people know about. My buddy showed me this game and it had a lot of charm right off the bat. It's worth trying if you like tactics games and collecting creatures.


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