Log Status






Time Played

66h 0m

Days in Journal

18 days

Last played

February 8, 2024

First played

January 22, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


So this was a good game but not a good Final Fantasy. Like most point out, it was all action focused and I just couldn't get into it. I played on regular difficulty but used the ring that let me auto-dodge and that felt a bit better but I still would rather a different combat system. Music was great as usual. Graphics were excellent. I actually enjoyed the side-quests so don't believe all the hate about those. They were fine and while some were pointless most fleshed out the story in a nice way. The lack of meaningful leveling or item management was a bummer but makes sense when they're making a God of War game instead of a JRPG. Bottomline- This is fine but I don't want to see this become a trend.