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Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) is one of the only “so bad it’s good” games. Due to their interactive nature, playing a bad game can be a far more frustrating experience than, for example, watching a bad film. However, Sonic ‘06 is one of those rare gems where playing it is still genuinely entertaining. That doesn’t mean it’s not frustrating, but the multitudes of its failures are truly fascinating.

If you have only ever seen footage of this game, and have never put your own hands on a controller and played it for yourself, you have no idea how this game feels. Every jerky movement, every interaction with geometry, the intense slowdown that happens at the drop of a hat for seemingly no reason, it all culminates into an experience that is completely alien, and frequently hilarious. That being said, I couldn’t in complete sincerity recommend this game for a solo playthrough, but playing it through with my girlfriend was one of my most memorable gaming experiences.