I always found getting used to the AI of the ghosts a tenuous extensively difficult concept when playing this for any longer than like a few minutes. Somehow reached a zen-like state with the AI though and managed to blow through to where the acts started repeating for this classic, which I will take as my victory. I'm not exactly sure WHY I chose to take this game as my use of birthday hours other than obligation of it being next up on my list so I'm just going to blog some bullshit about the last year and desperately try to somehow link it to this game cuz fuck it tim rogers can talk about this game for several hours why can't I?

22->23 isn't exactly the most exciting of yearly jumps, especially when said last year could very well be defined as "terror", "terrible", "terrifically shit". The end of quarantine is barely visible on the horizon now where it hasn't been for some time, and I walk into the celebration of living another year in it feeling like I haven't changed much. I like to think I've worked to improve myself in some areas, in that I've been able to refine my writing and express myself better, that I've been able to curb some of my worse behavior in terms of aggression, that I've gotten better at managing my time. I've managed to make due on some goals, and been able to make new ones I'm making good progress towards. Otherwise though, I still find myself feeling a bit of sorrow on an afternoon of celebration.

It's interesting I suppose to reflect while playing something that otherwise feels timeless, completely unchanged as years go by. We've Certainly Gone A Long Way since this, and hopefully I can look back on today feeling like I've gone a long way as well. Hope you all have a good rest of the year.

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2021
