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1 day

Last played

November 10, 2021

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Forza Horizon 5 - - from a technical aspect - - is a fantastic game. Beautiful graphics, well designed gameplay. Etc.

But you'll only like it if it's you're first time playing Forza Horizon.

As a Forza vet since horizon 2, I feel like this game is downright lazy and awful. It's become the racing equivalent of MADDEN or FIFA, where each entry is a copy of the previous with barely any changes to call it a new experience.

The presentation of Mexico is clearly made by mostly Americans, from the overusage of some aesthetic choices to characters randomly switching between Spanish and English mid sentence to prove that they are Mexican to the player, it all feels so... Out of touch. And I'm not even Mexican.

But getting into the game content, it's just the same shit different map. Same side activities, same annoying barn searching, same old default races with nothing new to give them a jolt of fresh air.

Forza Horizon honestly hasn't been impressive since the HOT WHEELS DLC, and that was its peak.

Hopefully, in the future, Playground Games takes about double as long break for the next entry before trying again because this was downright insulting as a forza loyal.