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1 day

Last played

September 7, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I really wanted to like this game, and in some respects I still do, but in general this was pretty awful.

The grind is both unfriendly and barely explained, the game smacks you with it seemingly at random toward the end and ramps up over the course of like 3 main missions, and then dumps you into a final battle that expects you to have spent way more time than is reasonable on the grind. The encounter rate is abysmal and absolutely nothing about the game can be sped up: text speed, movement speed, battle speed, animations, and cutscene skipping have no settings at all, and the dungeons are all designed like horribly dull, monotonous, sadistic mazes that remind me of Phantasy Star II in the worst way possible. The story is nothing-tier, the sidequests are all exactly the same shit with different coats of paint, and the digivolution system is clunky, unintuitive, and slow with a level cap system that artificially inflates the game's runtime even further. The battle system is fairly uninteresting and even moving Digimon in and out of your party can be a clunky chore when you're not annoyedly re-equipping everything every time you digivolve and level a Digimon.

Even in terms of presentation the game's only strong suit is its really impressive DIgimon sprites; the overworld graphics don't look particularly good and the script is full of spelling and grammatical errors like missing punctuation, and the music is mid at best and irritating at worst.

The positives are few but are certainly notable. The actual concept of this game's gameplay loop is neat, and it makes me appreciate the (admittedly middling) Cyber Sleuth all the more with how it tried to balance itself. The sprites as I mentioned before are great, though some of them are a bit weird looking compared to the rest. For the most part it's good stuff, though. Last is that I absolutely love the starter line in this game, which is a super personal thing but I guess I just have a thing for sun lions as a concept. None of their sprites look particularly accurate to their artwork (the Rookie one in particular has a really weird looking face compared to the art, kinda uncanny...) but they still look cool. I also enjoyed the idea of picking a starter pack of Digimon to have with you at the beginning of the game, but I don't have much more to say on that.

I really really wish this was a good game. It's got some elements of one but capitalizes on none of them. If even the regular $20 vpet devices feel more polished and well-made than this wholeass DS game, there's definitely a problem.