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July 26, 2021

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Almost certainly an improvement over the first game overall, but not a huge one. There's certainly still a lot left to be done that I'm hoping the rest of the series gets right, but as a rougher transition game I think this one's fine enough.

The quality of life improvements are definitely what's most key when comparing this to its predecessor. Packs are significantly less expensive to get than in the first game, your tag partner's pack is available as soon as you pick them so you can build a deck to synergize, and the DP gain seems vastly increased. With additional "challenges" like dealing overkill damage giving the player plenty of ways to stack even more DP onto what they would already get, it becomes much simpler to do small grind sessions and pick up the packs you want compared to in the first game. It also helps that the card pool is substantially more robust in this game; while it's still not at the part of GX where the more powerful decks have been introduced, it teeters right on the edge and thus presents an opportunity to play a variety of weird decks with your partners without worrying too much about being blown out by opponents.

As for more miscellaneous improvements, the new Destiny Draw system as well as the ability to change Chain settings are great to have, especially since the first game's default Chain settings being a chore to work with. Also, minigames have now been added! Most of them are just goofy little distractions that don't last long, but you at least get DP out of them. The basement-maze minigame is honestly pretty fun for a little dungeoncrawler, but the enemy encounter rate is too high for its own good and it left me wanting to just skip it whenever it came up later in the game. It's a shame cause the concept is fun.

Importantly, the vaguely dating sim-like element of talking to prospective partners to get repetitive dialogue and raise their bonds with you slightly each time is thankfully reduced in favor of having duels be the primary way to increase bonds with your partner. You also no longer need Pharaoh in order to maximize these gains; just using sandwiches from the shop to supplement the duels you do in pursuit of packs is more than enough to expedite the process. The shorter length of the game, too, is certainly a boon to the general gameplay loop. There's no more having to tediously unlock partners from the main cast; instead, you just have to beat miscellaneous characters ten times to unlock them as partners on future playthroughs, with the main cast being all available from the start. I do wish there were more 'secret' partners like in the first game as I've heard they've more or less axed them in this one, but I think what we got in return is overall a positive.

The game is almost arcadey in a way, making it clear that this was how the first game was meant to be: you're supposed to go through each moderately short story mode with each character to unlock more packs over time and build different decks as you go along, experiencing different narrative experiences each time before going onto the next. The first game only truly achieves this for Part 2 and Part 3, as Part 1 is a massive slog wherein you collect the bulk of your cards. This game is much sleeker in how it presents this loop, instead making it so you focus more on collecting cards to help your individual partners' strategies rather than just having a massive collection of generic ones to pull from as you replay the endgame over and over. I find this to be refreshing, and while I only tried two of these mini-campaigns, I do believe they're a step in the right direction. I think they're each still a wee bit long for their own good, but I'm guessing future games will streamline this even further. There's definitely no shortage of duelists to partner with, so cutting the length down would do nothing to dry up the well.

With all that said, this game still has a few of the same problems the first game did. The translation job varies from meh to bad with lots of typos and awkward translations. The AI for your partners is horrible, extending even into the various new minigames you can play. Partners have limited decklists that require them to play specific cards, and while you can sort of help that by unlocking extra decklists for them, it's a bit out of the way and doesn't actually fix the inconvenience. Duels are slow even on the fastest settings and the game is ultimately a repetitive grind with little content in between. What I mentioned in the above paragraph about shortening story modes even further would help this, as not only would your partners more frequently be switched and your experience refreshed but the little content the game does have would be brought to you much more frequently to help retain interest in each narrative. I'm hoping Tag Force 3 does this, but I suppose we'll see.

Tag Force 2 was fun - more fun than I originally gave it credit for - but it's not quite particularly good just yet. Still, with 3-6's better card pools and the improvements this game already made over the first, I'm optimistic that the next ones will finally have the series coming into its own.

this is a competent duel simulator for the time and i liked being about to play alongside johan but it was very aimless and somehow felt more grindy than spirit caller. what saddened me most about the few hours i played of this game was that i found out there isn't really a 'proper' way to play video game versions of yugioh gx's story besides spirit caller for season 1 and legacy of the duelist for a shitty visual novel version with anachronistic cards