i should never have picked this game back up after the 7-8 year gap from when i first played it. absolutely putrid, reaching the impressive height of "mid" several times and falling to its absolute worst right at the end with one of the worst endgame areas and final bosses i've ever been through in a video game. you can't skip fights unless you get lucky with enemy ai so the game wants you to fight a million enemies over a million screens with its shitty shadow-the-hedgehog-in-sonic-06-ass slow and dull battle system in a section where any enemy can kill you in a range of 1-4 hits and can hit you with 2 hit combos to effectively only need to hit you twice to kill you at most. fuck that shit. fucking 4 stage boss battle too where the only way they knew how to make him 'difficult' was to give him constant i-frames and a bunch of sometimes unkillable lackeys who can still 3-shot you. speaking about this game makes me hate it even more.

there's nothing to redeem it in the writing department and the art style for the characters is one of the ugliest furry styles i have seen in my entire life. the background art is pretty and the animation's nice, though. the music's not half bad either but nothing special.

i wonder what kind of life i'd be leading if i played this shit all the way through almost a decade ago. maybe it'd be better than this one cause at least i might have dropped it back then

Reviewed on Mar 16, 2022


Garbage game tbh I'm shocked this eventually got ported everywhere and even got a physical release instead of staying forgotten in XBLA with other, better arcade games that died on Xbox 360

Just goes to show furries will buy anything

2 years ago

that last line is accurate and it makes me even more baffled that people who weren't furries were fans of this game and ate it up over the better part of a half decade. hell i even bought the game from some steam sale on a non furry friend's recommendation long before i even interacted with the fandom. shit's bizarre

2 years ago

well shit. i was actually kinda interested in this one too. guess i know to temper my expectations a lot when i do inevitably get to it

2 years ago

Is it truly that bizarre for people to have different gaming opinions from you?

2 years ago

that seems like a pretty unrelated question to ask since i was talking more about the weirdness of 'that furry game' having a sizable non furry audience with the bizarre comment

2 years ago

ratio, you like boring games and you like persona 2 that makes your review worthless lmao