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11 hrs ago

Lysa reviewed She Vomited Guns
TW: Body horror and grooming.
I really liked this VN, it made me feel revolted.

Manufacturing kids and making them superficially happy in order to produce guns by puking them out of their bodies is a CONCEPT. It touches on manipulation and grooming quite a lot, and a bit on sexual exploitation i interpreted? Because it felt like this horrible, dystopian scenario that was artificially manufactured for the gain of adults who wanted to get money by making people's lives worse through innocent children that are making them what they need isss-- yeah. It's not subtle about it, but i don't think it needs to be? It's a heavy topic.

I really like the way it's narrated. And i really like that speech about loving yourself in spite of the horrid, shitty people around you making you think you're worth nothing unless you exist for them. "Synthetic are the lies" is a hell of a line.

It's incredibly short (Around 30 minutes of reading) and the ending is very abrupt, though. It felt more like, looking at an abhorrently bizarre world by using the narrator as a window, rather than a structured plot. It's still ABOUT something, and probably my own interpretations and thoughts about it are what's making me appreciate it so much? But that's the cool part about art ain't it.

It's also free, so uh. Yeah.

11 hrs ago

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