33 reviews liked by MASO3R

The Peak Within 2. Best survival horror game ever made. They should just stop making survival horror games because they'll never be able to top this one (all seriousness, RIP Tango Gameworks, they created something incredible here).

Literally every issue I had with The Evil Within was fixed here. The atmosphere might not be as strong as the first game but whatever is here is still awesome. The combat is better, the encounters are better, the story is SO MUCH BETTER. Sebastian's arc in this game is actually really good and the villains, stakes, and overall narrative finally takes full advantage of the concept introduced in TEW1. Despite blowing the first game out of the water, it still pays respect to it in a way that will make OG fans happy. Kidman also gets her arc from the first game completed here. The game also doesn't totally tarnish the ambiguous ending of the first either. Almost everything that could've went right with a sequel to The Evil Within went right. And not only that, but the game doesn't exactly play things safe either. The game has open-world segments that play more like hub worlds and certain paths you take can trigger random jumpscares and gameplay segments. You also get rewarded pretty well for exploring, the stealth is also overhauled and allows you to hide in foliage, and there's always something going on in the map. A couple of these hub worlds change over time too, with new bosses and side missions popping up. The side missions don't detract too much from the main story either, adding lore with minimal backtracking. The game also has its own moments of campy humor too, with some dialogue being intentionally goofy in order to break up the darker moments. The whole game is basically a better Resident Evil 4. Better story, higher stakes, and executes all of its best qualities better. Despite taking more of an action movie focus, the game still has enough tense, scary moments to call itself survival horror. The camp never gets too ridiculous to the point where you stop taking the story seriously (although it does overstay its welcome towards the end a bit). Collectible hunting and New Game+ also gives it enough replayability, along with the inclusion of a first-person mode and Classic difficulty if you are looking for a challenge similar to that of the first game.

Highly highly recommend checking this game out. Gives Resident Evil a run for its money. Absolute perfect sequel and one of the best video game sequels ever made (up there with Uncharted 2) if not one of the best video games ever made (also up there with Uncharted 2).

Stray if it was good. This is what happens when you actually stick to a vision instead of blowing your entire budget on Sonymaxxing.

It's a delightful mixture of Untitled Goose Game and Goat Simulator–with a little Breath of the Wild for good measure–wrapped into a delightfully dense, vertical, but manageable open world.

While the controls are a bit janky, it's hard to complain when the game purposefully lacks friction and instead gets by on the strengths of its exploration, tone, and quest design.

Super cute, sometimes funny, and usually pretty wholesome chungus. But this is definitely a game by people who actually understand cats. I remember soyfacing extremely hard when I came across a cucumber, and the cat jumped 16 feet into the air.

It's concise, confident, and a great way to spend an afternoon.

I am a shadow in the night...
A whisper in the wind...
My only weakness... is a guy with a flashlight

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In the time that I had my Switch, I did not finish many games for it. But, there were some exceptions. This game is exhilarating from beginning to end. The concept alone has you at the edge of your seat, and it allows for exciting gameplay variations. Some of my favorite moments in the game were when I was in the body of obstacle or enemy. I also want to mention the ending where you possess Bowser and run through his crumbling castle. It’s just so fun.

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- true to the spirit of the og
- best RE gameplay wise, the knife parry and crafting mechanics add a ton of depth and rewards players for being proficient
- ashley is a real character now
- good looking game
- leon a baddie fr
- great replayability
- Separate Ways is way(hehe) better here than the og
- Island section is good now

- performance is kinda shaky (on launch day)
- no classic cheesy one liners :(
- ashley sometimes runs in front of u while shooting (wtf man get out of the way)
- less content than the og at launch
- wtf happened to the red 9

in summary: do urself a favor and play this game.

Haven't played actually but it's funny how a game about fighting a corrupt corpo is now a reflection of the current state of Xbox and what they did to Tango Gameworks. Fuck modern gaming industry, like if cucking Crash Bandicoot wasn't enough.

Yeah. It’s good. What can I say about The Last of Us that has not already been mentioned? There’s nothing to bring to the table except another 5 stars. But, I will say that I love this game because it can touch you in the heart. It has so much emotion put into it that the game part takes a backseat to the story. But the gameplay is still incredibly satisfying!! The game is just amazing. What else can I say?

Destroy All Humans! 2 is a hilarious return to extraterrestrial mayhem and it continues the comedic, chaotic legacy of its predecessor.
Crypto, returns as the protagonist, bringing his signature blend of sarcasm and mischief.
While the original game set the stage with its satirical take on 1950s America, the sequel expands the extraterrestrial invasion to a global scale, offering players a hilariously skewed tour of the world.
You can now wreak havoc in parodies of the Soviet Union, Japan, the United Kingdom, and even on the Moon.

One of the standout improvements in Destroy All Humans! 2 is the increased scale of the game zones. Each area is larger and more explorable, offering a rich playground for destruction and discovery.
Overall, Destroy All Humans! 2 builds on the foundation of the first game in every meaningful way and personally, I much prefer DAH!2 over the first game.

If there is one GTA game you should play for the story it'd be this one.
Niko feels believable as a character and the remaining cast bounces off him really well.
It's also very fun to watch him be shot off a windshield after crashing.

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!Brilliant! The blend of horror and action is phenomenal, in moments you feel like a boss taking down enemies while also experiencing the fear from the same enemies.
Each boss is different and brings its own unique experience(maybe the Final Boss could have been better, in my opinion).
The inventory system and overall feedback are excellent, making you truly feel like the CHAD Leon. The game's atmosphere and graphics are beautiful, further enhancing the immersive experience.
Ashley is a very likeable companion, although it would have been nice to have her be with Leon for more time, without getting separated constantly.