1 review liked by MFeen93

Tarkov is a game I like the idea of more than actually playing it. The developers and some of the community like to constantly remind you that Tarkov is a super hardcore game bro where every death is your fault, only for you to die to some of the worst desync ever seen in a shooter and die to players the game literally refused to render.

Imagine that. Imagine if another shooter had a bug where a player model or his sounds didn't render in, so it looked like your character just randomly died. People would be outraged and the game would be quickly fixed, but in Tarkov this shit persisted for weeks, maybe even months unless my memory is terrible.

Tarkov is an ambitious game, and BSG have proven time and time again that they've bitten off more than they can chew. They are terrible developers. For every step forward they take, they also just take multiple steps back whether it's through poorly thought out decisions, terrible implementation or new problems being introduced that don't get fixed for a long time. The fact that Arena launched in the state that it did and was designed the way it did just proves to me that these developers do not play their own games.

All of this for the game to constantly disrespect your time, too. I often forget, but I'm an adult. I don't have time to be constantly navigating poorly designed menus, I don't have time waiting over 4 minutes for most raids to load and I certainly don't have time to play this game every single day so I can actually enjoy a wipe and keep up with people who refuse to turn the game off