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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 12, 2024

First played

June 11, 2024

Platforms Played


Actually enjoyed this one, of the Intellivision games I've played thus far this one definitely brings the most out of the console. It's a bite-sized roguelike, with pretty much none of the flaws stemming from the concept. Controls aren't the most responsive (you have to wait a bit after running before you can shoot an arrow) but they're intuitive, playing with a controller and a numpad in front of me didn't feel at all awkward for once. The sound cues don't always work but they're very nice to have when they do--it's definitely weird not being able to see where you're going but they counteract it enough to the point where a fully cautious playthrough will always work out in the end.

Certainly some drawbacks though--like the cons mentioned earlier. I was able to get past them and adapt to them but they're definitely huge thorns and I imagine it'd bring it down for most others. On harder difficulties, you don't have time to react to the dragon enemies, who dash towards you, deplete all your health, then have the audacity to shimmy on you. Luckily, a way around them is to break the AI, which seems to just entirely be done by not approaching them horizontally. Genuinely they just do not chase you vertically. Sometimes after they chase you, they go back to their original place and sit there, letting you land diagonals while you're within slapping distance. Realistically, this is a neat concept with serious flaws in its execution that I can't recommend, but nothing changes that I got enjoyment out of it. The rating curve tells me I'm not anywhere near alone, so maybe I'm accentuating the negatives. I'm tired and people are trying hard to pull me elsewhere. My people need me. I must go. Goot bye.