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1 day

Last played

July 27, 2022

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Adding Wario to this Bomberman game was the right move marketing-wise, because there's so little else going on with this title.

I'm no RifeXD, so take my Bomberman opinions with a grain of salt. As a pure Bomberman game, it's fine if extremely basic. I like some of the upgrades; making a motorcycle sprite specifically as a run function is fun, and hopping over walls leads to some strategy. But it's otherwise a string of very similar and repetitive fights with little variation, punctuated by utterly miserable boss fights. The Mad-Bomber in particular is such a mean wall, only somewhat justified by its status as the final boss. A good third of my playtime went to trying to beat it.

I guess if this is your only Bomberman, it'll do, but I don't doubt you can do so much better than this.