Rusty: I NEED COCK buddy
Walter: I NEED COCK 621
Snail: I NEED COCK mutt
Ayre: I NEED COCK raven
Iguazu: Kill your self

another square masterpiece who would've thought

didn't play the game i just put this message here in case some1 disrupts the rating balance

Never had a deep connection to character as much as i did with battler every thought process, every reasoning and every conclusion i had matched with his AND WE WERE BOTH WORNG ON EVERYTHING!! it was like love at first sight 5/5 highly recommend.

Girls with schizophrenia will love this one

Atlus back in the ps2 were another Kind of beast

the detective aspect and the story is what caries this game the combat is ehhh

Kaga's final message to the fans "incest bad"

The good old days of bad game design and shitty camera control