Probably the 'best' of the trilogy, it commits the 'fairy tale adventure' shtick with more effort than the others and has some very creative iconography. Donald is the best playable character of the trilogy by far. His animations are lovingly smooth compared to the derpy faces Mickey and Minnie have. Running around as an armed madman in a barrel is a riot. Crazy it took til the third game to add him in.

But I don't feel too strongly about it besides that, still has that issue where mechanics are 'present' in the game but go heavily underutilized past their introduction. You always get all the costumes near the beginning, they make you do scripted shit with them in their intro levels, and then they get brought back so infrequently it just feels like a chore to swap around to them. Collision feels especially off for the climbing costume. Also has the weirdest difficulty curve of the bunch, starting piss easy and then throwing total bullshit at the wall by the end.

I would probably play 2 again over this by proxy of less bullshit, even if this is more 'admirable'. Hell, I'd still play the Illusion trilogy over all these, jank notwithstanding.

Reviewed on Sep 09, 2023
