A pretty good finale for the series (so far????) and INFINITELY better than DD but it's held back by the fact Takeshi Yamazaki wrote it. All of Yamazaki's AA games have enormous issues with expository dialogue and padding, and it's at its worst here. It also doesn't help that the first case is really bad (minus a good villain). I started this game at the beginning of the year and could never play for more than a half-hour at a time because hearing the same character calling card quotes over and over drove me fucking insane. I really cannot stress enough how much this game is hurt by Yamazaki's terrible pacing and writing quirks.

It's a shame, 'cause this game has a lot of fun moments. I adored the way spirit channeling is incorporated into the mysteries; it gets insane in ways close to T&T near the end. Apollo's character arc in this game felt kinda out of nowhere initially, but it grew on me and delivered well at the end. All of the side characters from the filler arcs are really good too, especially Sarge and Uendo.

tl;dr - good game, bad writer

Reviewed on Apr 19, 2021
