Pretty much just Blaster Master on NES but with slightly different (better?) level design. Stopped playing early on because I couldn't figure out where to go.

This is good, but I think I still like Samurai Shodown II a little more. The sprite work here is beautiful and the gameplay is still very refined, but some of the original personality is still missing. I think the culprit is mainly the more involved music, but I could do without the over-the-top executions as well.

This was already my favorite Rusty Lake game and then chapter 2 added a bunch of references to Birthday and now I love this one. Great puzzles, super cool movie-game integration, and Dale is the best Rusty Lake protag.

The fact that half of the animations and sounds are from Smash Ultimate and Brawl is the funniest thing ever. Objectively not very good but insanely funny to play with friends.

Funny kusoge, played Kasumi

What I expected: Cool and cute ninja girl with juggle combos
What I got: Simon Belmont neutral game with an ending that implies domestic abuse. What the fuck


Basically the same as Bermuda Triangle but for some reason I had more fun with this one. Not bad.

This left my brainspace as soon as I stopped playing.

Extremely simple and pretty boring

Idk why the game relinquishes control from me if I don't kill enough enemies. Not necessarily a bad mechanic but it's not very clear and made me very confused for the majority of my playthrough

When I first started playing this, I was not having fun at all. Turns out it's because I played Sinclair, who is the worst character in the game by a mile and is almost unplayable. So then I played Kasumi and was starting to have fun, but I still wasn't really vibing with the game. That is, until I realized that it's basically trying to be 2D Tekken, and then it clicked.

The biggest frustration, as always with these old SNK games, was the AI. This one was particularly insane from my experience; Wyler was intentionally trying to time me out, and it worked because of how the computer constantly reads your inputs.

I definitely recommend this one as a different take on the 2D fighting genre. It also has a unique vibe, even if it might look similar to Fatal Fury at first glance.

I used an invincibility cheat which made it beatable but also very boring.

The shield is overpowered. Kinda funny

Objectively kind of sucks but i slogged through almost all of it for some reason (keyword: almost)