Não estamos mais em 2006 e copiar guitar hero é provavelmente o trabalho mais preguiçoso possível que uma empresa desse escopo poderia fazer. Fortnite Festival é apenas mini game de ritmo cuja a verdadeira intenção é apenas vender músicas (mais caras do que se fossem compradas no itunes ou semelhantes) e introduzir cosméticos e novos passes de batalha que são mais caros que as skins que os acompanham, é tão patético que me surpreende ter sido elogiado no lançamento e surpreende mais ainda que continue existindo, flash games dos anos 2000 eram mais competentes.

"We change. We forget. And what little we do remember becoomes twisted and fragmented over time. For which reason, you deem us unfit to carry on your legacy. But are you yourself free of these foibles? As the last witness of the Final Days, do you remember everything that was lost? Or even the things you cared about?"

a dust of hope amidst a sea of despair, i love to see the inversion between visually good and evil, both in nomenclature and visual with the sin eaters and warrior of darkness, the subversion of biblical figures and the dead, empty and sad paradise is really astonishing.

Shadowbringers story, characters, dungeons and raids didnt click with me in the same way that Stormblood did, but i was also setting the bar pretty high, and still i finished pretty satisfait with it.

Btw the last main dlc area with an OST that has the clockticking as it's beat is peak holy shit, everything being about time at that point, with our life runing out, possible world end, a city constantly relivings it's last momment, holy shit...

It's always a little weird to comeback to a Final Fantasy game and see how much they mirror historical real life events in their fantasy world without even trying to hide what is inspiring the story. Maybe it feels like a downside of the franchise (and specially XIV's Stormblood) but i honestly think it is very charming, and it never bothered me.

Stomblood seems like a depiction of WW2 with a little touch of modern problems, starting from some minor events like Fordola and her gang being a representation of the Jewish Group 13, and reaching all the way to Yotsuyu judment arch stepping in to a moraly subjective space of war crimes, punitivism, justice and so on and on, making a paralel with the obviously Nuremberg Trials, pretty bold if you ask me, but i can respect it.

Out of the historic reffernces, we can see Stormblood being a DLC much like ARR with the job of expand XIV's world and further develop our characters, but of curse, now it has the benefit of a well developed and liked roast that holds the players on the most mundane task and dialogues of the DLC.

But still, its funny to see that this style of DLC is only possible in a MMORPG, because the 200h of ARR + Heavensward we could see our beloved characters learning from their suffering and past experiences, we can see Alphinaud going from a shit ass Diplomat to one of the most political versed characters in the game, it amazing to watch the betrayal on ARR, the learning fase of the Heavensward and by the end of it, the aplication of Alphinauds experience in every little bit of the army and future alliances to be formed, and it's not something particular of him, because we can see the same happening with the Sultana, going from a political fantasy to a grounded strategy of negociation with the Ul'dah bourgeoisie, in a way that is a little sad to see her changing the "democratic dream" she had, but well fitting the FFXIV theme of being a universe forged and lived in political wars.

And on the topic of political wars, is cool to see such different cultures interacting in stormblood, specially between Gosetsu and the Au'ra people, it pretty to see an old samurai like Gosetsu contemplating the cultural differences between his own moral and ideology and the one's with the Immortal Au'ra, afterall there is no need to disrespect or invalidate others beliefs, the cultural shock is something that appears several times on the dlc and is balanced between humor and dramatic sessions.

During the war with the Empire. the bound between nations and the building of an Alliance, we watch and live among people that lost their will to fight and prefer to live in almost slave like state in the hands of the imperials, in a history that is told by the eyes of the Ala Mhigan party member Lysa, that guides and become the leader of the local revolution forcing the Imperial retreat.

And last but not least, FFXIV deserves A LOT of praise for how they use the WoL (our character) in the story, it's an extremely hard work to make a MMO character be not only a viewer of the events but an active element of the story where we directly interact with the main characters, make our own choices to give e little sense of personality building and also being consulted for every important decision making event, in a way we fell not like super protagonist that only smash and kills the problem, but a individual being, with our own share of problems, being doomed to fight a war that we didn't start, being not a "heroic tale" but in some way or another s tragic one, of just another person cursed to fight to survive like every other character of the story.

i'm about 400h in and i'm pretty sure i have at least 2k/3k hours more of new content ahead, and this got me thinking about my experience with different types of games, and how the industry been handling content in their games, and how much of it can really be called "content"

FFXIV is a MMO with a reboot and more than a decade of market, bringing paid DLCs and a lot of "free" content in the way, colabs with other games and its own franchise, with some dungeons, missions, fashions, minions, mounts etc, in a way that is crafted to give the player the feeling that every single colab is lore justifiable and in some way or another fits FFXIV universe, and all that while presenting players with one of the most beautiful and well crafted stories and character of any MMO out there, puting it toe to toe with Single Player juggernauts RPG Franchises like Xenoblade, Atlus universe and the very own Final Fantasys, making it a game that is incredible to play by yourself or with your friends and also having the plus of imersing yourself with a very charming and gentle community, so gentle in fact, that people got to spend an hour with me teaching how to play Sage and being very forgiving with my mistakes, pretty hard to find any community that portrates itself like this, and probabluy being a big pillar of FFXIV success.

FFXIV is one of the last "subscribe to play" games in the market (if you don't play on console) but the subs are cheaper than a Spotify monthly sub and it allows major DLC contents to be sold for cheap, and most importantly it has a free version with almost every single thing of the game free, and the limit is like reaching the modern content or a max lvl character (as i said, i have almost 400h on this shit and not a single character on max level and i'm only no the second DLC of 5 available), of curse the game suffers from some "MMO problems" like awful introtuduction to new player, weird UI designs (inventory mannagment can take up to hours lol) and a slow starting history, but i dosen't matter how much you try there is no such thing as "perfect piece of media".

With that said, looking at the amount of content this game has, and the absurdly ammount of GaaS on the market with, 30dol+ Seasson Pass and full priced DLCs with 10h of content (cough Destiny) it makes me think if FFXIV is just like this because of Zeitgeist, or if it is possible to introduce a modern game with the love and passion that i found on this game, especially because the industry is in a constant fight with the consumers in a way that players want ultra realistic graphics, 100h games, next gen physics and low price while the companies want to make games quickly, with the highest possible price and the maximum ammount of lazy paid DLCs. It is, in a certain way, that we are looking at a form of art that is more worried about portraiting itself like a cheap entertainment product instead of a piece of creative art, and companies are not doing by itself but with the help of the players.

While active GaaS games are focused on competitive shooting, with easy to make content, exorbitant prices and toxic communities, every time i catch my self having a friendly talk with some stranger in Limsa, or healping someone with crafting in Ul'dah, i'm always thinking, will we have any game with the ammount of passionate content, a lovable comunnity, fair prices, great characters and so on and on as we have here? I don't think so, bu i really hope to be wrong, and i really hope that this friction between greedy companies and overly demanding players cease, and we can have a new dev team with the love, care and freedom of the FFXIV's to create a new fantasy universe to be truly lived again.

Lesbian cat Y'shtola is back and now she is just like Toph from the avatar series

80 morbilhões de versões e nenhuma funciona de forma minimamente decente, jogo que nem mesmo consegue abrir sem mods não deveria ser vendido.

Extremamente bizarro o quão tolerante são com os problemas técnicos desse jogo, eu sinceramente acho que foi uma das piores experiências que tive com video jogos, e uma história legalzinha e tentativa pessimamente executada de criação de rotinas com NPCs e bla bla blas que parecem até mesmo incompletas, não salvou a minha experiência com esse jogo, um combate que me lembra o RE4 de Zeebo e não consegue fazer o básico de ao menos deixar a mira visível a todo momento (a cabeça do personagem frequentemente tampa o ponteiro das armas), áudio cortando, jogo crashando em todas as 3 versões que tentei jogar, é aquilo que todo mundo diz mesmo "a experiência com esse jogo é única" até pq é difícil encontrar um jogo que o remaster tenha mais problemas que sua versão origial kkk

Sla mano, esse jogo me pareceu um experimento social, todo mundo fica falando no seu ouvido que algo é bom, masterpiece, underrated e tu passa a pensar que o jogo de fato é isso. Se ele ao menos funcionasse eu provavelmente teria achado "legalzinho", mas repito, foi apenas uma experiência tecnicamente frustrante em um jogo que mesmo sendo tolerante (ao máximo que me permito ser) não alcançou o "medíocre", e eu realmente tentei gostar desse jogo, principalmente por ser do mesmo mano de The Missing J.J (Um dos meus jogos favs) e D4.

funnily enough you have to download more patchs to make the remaster decent than to emulate it on PCSX2

I really enjoyed SMT Nocturne, it has some of my favorite dungeons from the SMT/Persona franchise so far, and the atmosphere and art style are so good to the point that it's almost a horror game, the only problems i had with it was near the end with the Amala Shrine and Tower of Kagutsuchi being both uninteresting in art style and annoying as puzzle mechanics, oh and i also couldn't care less for the characters and story

"We are connected by this ocean... We can meet again.."

"People only know about themselves through how others perceive them... The existennce of our ego originates in others, we compare ourselves to others, and we are conscious of how our image is perceived when we are among others... That's when we really start to be created, i think that means for every person we meet, we have yet another 'self' formed out of their perceptions"

"However small they may be, reach out your arms and hold on to your dreams. Then, even in the darkest times, the stars will shine above you, making you the master of your own destiny"

I honestly belive that Persona 5 is a curse for Atlus, in a way that no matter how much they try, they can't escape the Persona 5 narrative style and gameplay. I don't feel like it's their fault, but something they coercively have to do in order to please their new fans.

By the score you can already tell that i hate Reload, and no i don't hate it because i'm a Persona 5 hater or anything, i actually love Persona 5, i hate it because the Reload strips Persona 3 from every single thing that made me fall in love with it.

When i played Persona 3 FES i enjoyed the empty and grey city representing loneliness, isolation and sorrow through the protagonist eyes, how characters like Mitsuru were described like an Elegant, powerfull aura women and every time she entered the classrom to talk with the party everyone in the class looked at her, how the few NPCs interact with you in different ways acording to your social stats, the alternative sports Social Link, the different weapons the protagonist could use, not limiting yourself to a 1h sword, how tartarus felt like an opressive place with the thight hallways, the major silence and the omminus music playing, how some dungeons had i little puzzly thing like the motel, i liked the raw and violent animations of summoning your personas, i loved the fact that the most colorful place in the game was the dormitory representing a safe place to you and your friend, and above all, i loved how the party seems to like each other, seeing them always interacting and such, gave me a feeling of a group that trully enjoys each other presence and friendship in a multual way, different from P5, on that game the characters seems more of an Joker friend (or fan) than friends of each other, i enjoyed the Fatigue system, it's a good implementation on the thematic of balancing your relationships, study with the horrible part of fightin in tartarus, i liked the tatics system, even if it could be frustrating from time to time, it was not actually a problem since the game was balanced with that in mind, also, it gave the party a lot more personality and it was a good representation of the leadership from the protagonist, how the fallen apeared in a disturbed zombie like way scattered in every single place in the city... And most importantly my favorite thing from P3 Fes, was Aigis voice, man, i LOVED how Aigis voice subtly lost it's robotic effect every single time she presented an human behaviour, i still got chills just remembering the animation fight agains Thanatos, where her voice loses the robotic modifier and trembles while she says "i'm scared", and also, i don't understand the choice of having less animated scenes...

So.... Persona 3 Reload takes all of this away, i was sad when i finished P3R, because it has absolute nothing of the game i loved, P3R eliminates every single one of the mechanics and details i mentioned i detriment of a Persona 5 style of gameplay and narrative, Batton Pass is back and makes the game easy and boring, no weapons arsenal for the protagonist, the new summoning animations (yeah they are pretty) not having that violent and raw style animation is sad considering the game theme, the fact that you CAN'T play with the old tatics style because there are fewer options to order your party and the turn starter is choosen with the AG status in mind (so you can start a fight and see Junpei killing it self using a Physical skill on an enemy that reflects melee), the swiming club dosen't exist, Tartarus is an On foot version of the P5 version of Metaverse where your party is always making quirky no sense comentaries, talking about quirky and nonsensical, now every time a character has a emotion burst on the story they use a "critical animation" before anything is said, it's comically bad and annoying imo, the characters personalitys are not directly reflected in how they are presented in the scenes and the game, Aigis voice is normal from the beginning, the world is extremely colerful, full of people, the Fallen are now just faceless background npcs that most of the time can't even be seen, some character were basically rewriten, for example, Revolver Jesus is now some dumb fuck twitter right wing that makes stupid analogys with cars and act in a stupid nonsensical way, some of the characters got more screen time beacause atlus tried to over explain their action and in consequence you got a lot of dumb dialogues, like Junpei saying "forgetting everything is not so bad right? and 2 seconds latter saying "Yeah, i don't want to forget everything", the new scenes with Jin, Chidori and Tayaka just made the characters seem stupid and ripped off every single subjective interpretation that the player could have with this moraly grey (no not moraly grey anymore, just evil and dumb) characters, the new interactions with Ryoji, Pharos and the Chairman with the solely purpose of exposing what the characters are before the time is just infuriating, the new Aragaky sidequest has good intentions but it feels weird because, i mean, Arakagi acts with the protagonist in a better and more compreensive way than with their old friends... In fact, the new writing and narrative style of Persona 3 getting inspired by Persona 5 makes again, the party don't feel so friendly with each other, the characters now feel like an "Yes man" that it's statisfied with everything you do, a good example is that new interaction with Junpei where he says (You should make the choice man) regarding the Ryoji incident, the new boss dungeons are just straight forward boring corridors for the bosses, like, the monorail having no Enemies on the corridors, no enemies on the motel and Fukka giving the player the answer for the puzzle and the mirrors locations, the new tartarus sidequests of saving people are just boring, and the Monado doors and the clock are good QoL to mitigate part of the grinding, i enjoyed some new songs like "it's going down" but hated the remixes, what they did with Changin of Seassons is a fucking crime

It may seem like every single thing i said is "nitpicking" and even if they are, i can't help but feel disapointed with it, as i said, this were the things that made me fall in love with P3, the details, art style, feeling of the city all the things i mentioned and more are the reasons that a i enjoyed FES so much, and yeah, i'm frustrated, sad, disappointed that this things are not present in the remake, just so the "new version" could please the P5 Style fanbase (i don't even wanna mention the 30 bucks Persona 5 DLC pack)

With that said, you like P5 or don't care for any of the things i mentioned, Persona 3 Reload is a pretty well rounded game were the core story and meaning are still there (the performance is pretty weird on pc so be warned), it is in fact a good game, a shame that it is not the game i loved.