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MaitreWakou completed Dragon's Dogma II
On one hand I'm mad that it has less content that the first game, that some classes have disappeared, that others are less fun...

But on the other, god it's so much fun. I'm on my 4th run and I just can't stop replaying it over and over. Becoming stronger and stronger and absolutely destroying big monsters that were big threats the first time I met them.

This game gives the exact same feeling that the first game gave when it released, and for that reason alone, Dragon's Dogma 2 is a big success.

14 days ago

14 days ago

MaitreWakou completed Fallout
A formative classic. Somehow way simpler and easier than it looks like (and that people make it sound like)

Not a long game, not a lot of quests nor a lot of locations, but it works really well and has a really, really good pacing. The world building was still much more Mad Max than the retrofuturist post apo that Fallout 2 came up with, but it just makes up for, once again, a simpler world to get into.

14 days ago

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