On one hand I'm mad that it has less content that the first game, that some classes have disappeared, that others are less fun...

But on the other, god it's so much fun. I'm on my 4th run and I just can't stop replaying it over and over. Becoming stronger and stronger and absolutely destroying big monsters that were big threats the first time I met them.

This game gives the exact same feeling that the first game gave when it released, and for that reason alone, Dragon's Dogma 2 is a big success.

A formative classic. Somehow way simpler and easier than it looks like (and that people make it sound like)

Not a long game, not a lot of quests nor a lot of locations, but it works really well and has a really, really good pacing. The world building was still much more Mad Max than the retrofuturist post apo that Fallout 2 came up with, but it just makes up for, once again, a simpler world to get into.

Hell no, they got rid of the cable car scene, and of the fire dungeon part in the castle.

A fucking weird game. And that's coming from a series that is overall weird to begin with.

Some of the most unhinged heart events in the whole series.
A surpringly high amount of those focus on your DVD player (???)

Weird ass game. A fun take on the world of A Wonderful Life.

Overated. Tedious. A huge step back in both presentation and world design.

Collecting the Melodies is fun and addicting. But the game is just too annoying and punishing to play.


Good regular farming system. Nothing too crazy, but it's good. Got the good of what came before, and got rid of the bad.

Good characters ! Lacking in social events and heart events... But only in order to get the BEST family system in the whole series. Yes, even better than A Wonderful Life ! You get two kids ! They grow up ! They actually help in the farm ! Some great family events ! Birthdays !

Cool pets !

Fucking beautiful world !

Rival marriage and they get kids too !

Immaculate mood. Karen best wife in the series.

Fantastic job system, but ultimately the game failed to keep me entertain because of weird pacing and imo not so good dungeon design in comparison to IV.

Also, the story and characters is a huge step back from IV. Hell, I even got more entertained by the story of III.

A shame cause the job system is fun (even if grindy if you want to max a few for each characters)

Wonderful game with great dungeons, great characters, and a nice little story with some (small) nuances in the characters.

An important one in the series.

Fucking weird ass game. Depressing mood and world, fucking fire gameplay.

Back when video games meant something. Classic. Best launch console game ever.

A formative classic. Took the best of the first game, and greatly expanded on it. A very ambitious adventure for its time, a ton of different classes, a huge world, cute characters, interesting story for its time... The first big Final Fantasy game. A must play to understand everything that came next in the series.

Some good moments, but overall pretty disappointing.

By far the most fun to actually play it in the series, but... Why no more actual levels ? It's just a series of arena fights during the whole game.

The characterization of most of the bosses are very disappointing. They're just boring morons who have nothing interesting to say. The Midori level is by far the best part of the game, and a good callback for hardcore Suda fans who even know about his never released in the west games.

Worst gameplay in the series, but best writting. One of Suda's best actually.

Good OST as always. A must play for Suda's fans, even if the action segments overstay their welcome. It makes the game way longer that it needs to be.

This game gives you the classic "growing out in the countryside" friendship experience.
You got the homophobic friend, the sex offender friend, the repressed gay friend, the horny friend that wants to fuck to pass time, the friend that always hangs out with a gun... It has it all.