People always meme about Nintendo "they don't know what they're doing, always making stupid decisions", but no one ever give them credit whenever they make those insane market decisions by greenlighting based games that appeal to like 5 people. (That would require said people who meme about Nintendo's decisions to care about anything that isn't Zelda or Mario, but still)
Nintendo knew no one would give a fuck about that game, but they still went so fucking in with it and I'm thankful for it. Treasure's best game, definitely.

How did they make this on N64 it's fucking insane. Bless Nintendo forever for deciding to release it worldwide on Virtual Console back then, AND to bring back Treasure to make a sequel. Most based Nintendo move ever probably. Especially since it probably made 0 sense market wise ?

Fucking weird ass game. Depressing mood and world, fucking fire gameplay.

Put it in the easiest difficulty, punch a guy and watch him fly. This is the best Elder Scrolls for this reason alone.
The jank, the "vanilla fantasy world" aesthetic, the immortal but useless following fan of the arena, the weird ass dialogues between NPCs in town... It's just so good. And not in a "so bad it's good" way. It's legit a fantastic game, which becomes even better thanks to all the weird ass shit in it.
Also has the perfect alchemy between real role play mechanics (which Skyrim lacks) and more casual RPG design (which Morrowind lacks, to my taste !)

Discovering it in the summer of 2008 is a core gamer memory for me.


Good regular farming system. Nothing too crazy, but it's good. Got the good of what came before, and got rid of the bad.

Good characters ! Lacking in social events and heart events... But only in order to get the BEST family system in the whole series. Yes, even better than A Wonderful Life ! You get two kids ! They grow up ! They actually help in the farm ! Some great family events ! Birthdays !

Cool pets !

Fucking beautiful world !

Rival marriage and they get kids too !

On one hand I'm mad that it has less content that the first game, that some classes have disappeared, that others are less fun...

But on the other, god it's so much fun. I'm on my 4th run and I just can't stop replaying it over and over. Becoming stronger and stronger and absolutely destroying big monsters that were big threats the first time I met them.

This game gives the exact same feeling that the first game gave when it released, and for that reason alone, Dragon's Dogma 2 is a big success.

A formative classic. Somehow way simpler and easier than it looks like (and that people make it sound like)

Not a long game, not a lot of quests nor a lot of locations, but it works really well and has a really, really good pacing. The world building was still much more Mad Max than the retrofuturist post apo that Fallout 2 came up with, but it just makes up for, once again, a simpler world to get into.

It's pretty fun. Competent story.

Don't know why the fuck they try to make non super hero gameplay a thing, it's boring. But overall a pretty good game.

Some good ideas ahead of its time, but very confusing. Not really a fun game to grind without a guide.

The story and events are a huge step up coming from the first game though, very impressive for the time it was released.

9 years later and still struggling to see any game coming close to its freedom and creativity of gameplay beyond Zelda BOTW and TOTK.

You can pretty much do anything in this game. You can make your horse shit on the road. Or ask your naked sniper girlfriend to shoot a grenade you just threw to make a ricochet. Or deliver a box of supply from the sky on the head of a boss to defeat it.

The only thing you can't do in this game is take a piss wherever you want (you are forced to use the toilets of your Mother Base...), but Kojima course corrected that in his next game Death Stranding. Truly a genius mind.

A masterpiece... Weird, emotional, cute, fun, hypnotic... A must play for any japanese video game fan.

Wonderful game with great dungeons, great characters, and a nice little story with some (small) nuances in the characters.

An important one in the series.

I want to bail, but where the hell is the exit ? There's no way out is there ? No getting out...

Biggest punch in the face I've ever get while finishing a game. I liked what I played during the first playthrough, but wasn't able to express or realize how much I liked it. Am I just thinking it's ok ? Am I thinking it's fucking awesome ? But the final cutscene and the credits made me realize how fucking stylish and personal this whole game has been. Just like Killer 7 before that, it's a very modern game. It's tied to when it was made, in a post 9/11 world. A post apocalyptic world, a world of violence, but somehow in which a beauty can be still be found, by seeing the extreme individualism of each of its character. They all fight to express who they are, how unique they are. And it's a fight that never ends. Never let go of who you are.