Second one in my Metroid replay of the saga before Dread.
The more fun Samus has been to control, 2D wise. While it's super fun to play, and feels good to see Samus becoming more and more powerful, its nature of remaking Metroid 2 hold the potential of this game a bit. Having to constantly fight Metroids becomes quickly repetitive and boring (even if they evolve, there's still so many). But beyond that, it's fun as hell, and I can't wait to see what EPD and Mercury Steam will do with a brand new title.

This game gives you the classic "growing out in the countryside" friendship experience.
You got the homophobic friend, the sex offender friend, the repressed gay friend, the horny friend that wants to fuck to pass time, the friend that always hangs out with a gun... It has it all.

Hell no, they got rid of the cable car scene, and of the fire dungeon part in the castle.

Oh, to buy your Nintendo Gamecube on release day with Pikmin again...

The soul... Video game probably can't get much soul than this one has. Who wouldn't throw out their current life to live in Delphino Island ?

"Watch out for .... (deleted to not spoil a great twist in the game)" scene will forever go down as one of my biggest hype reveal of all time in a visual novel/adventure game. The game gets a 5/5 from me for that moment alone.

Please have Ayumi Tachibana or Jill Valentine as the last fighter, please have Ayumi Tachibana or Jill Valentine as the last fighter, please have Ayumi Tachibana or Jill Valentine as the last fighter...
Or Reimu. Reimu would be great too.

My biggest letdown of a sequel ever probably. I don't even think that the combats are better than in the first one unlike most people, I actually prefer them in the first game.
Story and characterisation is mid, and no open world is somehow a bit of a bummer. It added so much soul to the first one.

It has a few good moments though, and the OST is as always fucking insane. (Top 10 best credit song ever)

The best thing about this game is that, the more you play it, the more you get to actually know each of the characters. You'll understand who they are when they are humans, and what they are when they are gnosia, given that each of those characters become something else when being gnosia. By the end of it, you'll feel like being the best werewolf player ever and will constantly win, it feels great.
Also, the story is great and the true ending is soooo satisfying !!!

Mid game, plays like a parody of an action character game. But the boss fights are so fucking hype.

Unfortunately, inbetween you have to make your way through boring landscapes, not fun spongy ennemies, and a not so good story.

The love story is cool though, and the characters are GREAT. And it just makes you wonder... Why the fuck doesn't it work like any other Final Fantasy game ? The uncle, Mid, the prince... Just have them join the party ! And why the fuck is Jill not in the party for like half the missions ? Final Fantasy is all about friendship and group effort. This was my biggest disappointment with this game. The characters are so fucking great and it would make for a top tier FF party.

Super fun to play, great mechanics, fantastic jobs, incredible world... And a beautiful storyline. A must play for all FF fans. Don't be affraid of its MMO component, it's baby's first MMO unless you go into the super hard, optional, challenges.

To this day (before Dawntrail's release), still my favorite expansion of FF14.

The best story, a beautiful road trip within lands that haven't welcome men for centuries. A story of overcoming differences and struggles, and of acceptation. Absolutely beautiful, this is truly Final Fantasy at its best.

Not as good as the others, even if the political writting is extremely well done.

But this expansion suffers from bad pacing. Still it has its moments, and is fun to play as always. Cool regions though.

The most emotion part of FF14. Beautiful story, even if it suffers from bad pacing at some points.

An insanely good and hype climax, and most importantly, one of the best Final Fantasy villain ever.