Some good moments, but overall pretty disappointing.

By far the most fun to actually play it in the series, but... Why no more actual levels ? It's just a series of arena fights during the whole game.

The characterization of most of the bosses are very disappointing. They're just boring morons who have nothing interesting to say. The Midori level is by far the best part of the game, and a good callback for hardcore Suda fans who even know about his never released in the west games.

Back when video games meant something. Classic. Best launch console game ever.

Fantastic job system, but ultimately the game failed to keep me entertain because of weird pacing and imo not so good dungeon design in comparison to IV.

Also, the story and characters is a huge step back from IV. Hell, I even got more entertained by the story of III.

A shame cause the job system is fun (even if grindy if you want to max a few for each characters)

Immaculate mood. Karen best wife in the series.