Put it in the easiest difficulty, punch a guy and watch him fly. This is the best Elder Scrolls for this reason alone.
The jank, the "vanilla fantasy world" aesthetic, the immortal but useless following fan of the arena, the weird ass dialogues between NPCs in town... It's just so good. And not in a "so bad it's good" way. It's legit a fantastic game, which becomes even better thanks to all the weird ass shit in it.
Also has the perfect alchemy between real role play mechanics (which Skyrim lacks) and more casual RPG design (which Morrowind lacks, to my taste !)

Discovering it in the summer of 2008 is a core gamer memory for me.

The soul... Video game probably can't get much soul than this one has. Who wouldn't throw out their current life to live in Delphino Island ?

Second one in my Metroid replay of the saga before Dread.
The more fun Samus has been to control, 2D wise. While it's super fun to play, and feels good to see Samus becoming more and more powerful, its nature of remaking Metroid 2 hold the potential of this game a bit. Having to constantly fight Metroids becomes quickly repetitive and boring (even if they evolve, there's still so many). But beyond that, it's fun as hell, and I can't wait to see what EPD and Mercury Steam will do with a brand new title.

First one in my Metroid replay of the saga before Dread (I'll do ZM, Samus Returns, Super, Fusion. Will stick to the remakes for 1&2).
It controls extremely well, and while the game holds you by the hand a lot (not a problem for me at all), it allows you to "break" the game in a lot of different ways. Super fun. ZSS section is a bit long and boring, but what follows is epic as fuck.

Way more different to RE4 than some people make it sound like. Barely an action game, focus is on the exploration of a carefully crafted creepy and out of place world. But when it bangs, it bangs extremely well. Replays with infinite ammos (this time around, like in RE3make, with any weapon you like, not just a few special weapons) is incredibly fun.