A bit tired of the game by the 25th end of it, but it was not bad

DLC to cute indie game you can beat in co-op and learn something about other culture

Cute indie game you can beat in co-op and learn something about other culture

Never played this series before this remake. Gameplay was nice and smooth. I think fans of the original will be happy. Might play sequel someday

China setting was good but mechanics needed polish and variety. Next parts of the series brought it

In gameplay it's good old AC. I set my hopes high about the story. The whole game about templars! But it was a bluff. So lazy plot work. Was disappointed eventually

One of the most underrated games in the series (if you play it after all the patches). It has lots of great ideas and next gen features. But the plot is too fast and it needs you to read the book to fully understand the characters. Overall plot is a great waste of potential and it's sad


Nice art style. Great OST. Interesting and touching plot twist at the end

Too forgettable, but good for evening in a group of friends

Really fun party game. You should try it with friends

Interested in WWI setting. I shot some enemies in campaigns and already almost forget about this stories

Battle system is quite simple but everything else is perfect

Great start of a new series. I love superheroes and love fightings. Hope third game will come eventually