Favorite Games for Multiplayer Purposes

Games in which I love playing with friends/online. One for each series, as if I like one I probably like another.

Multiplayer online, customs with friends, firefight, infection. Just wonderful. All of Halo is fun with friends and most of Halo is fun online. But reach was the first game I got super invested into online multiplayer with.
Great online Multiplayer, Great customs, great zombies. So many of these maps are some of my favorites in FPS games, ain't nothing like a hardcore search and destroy game with the homies.
Private free roam sessions with friends peak Fiction. Just goofing around killing each other, blowing shit up. Nothing like it. Also heists with a full squad of friends are really fun.
Minecraft's infinite room for creativity works even better when you have a while world with a group of friends to mess around with. Whether that be a survival world where you all live together, or using creative mode to create different games and challenges. Just perfect.
Fun and chaotic game. Easy to screw people over with the insane contraptions you can make.
A test of Ultimate skill sponsored by the best chip brand in the world. The emotions felt when reaching the final leg of a course are unrivaled.
Funniest game of all time. Solo feels so empty, so when you have a duo or a squad it feels so lively. Everyone having goofy skins and emotes. And when you get that W? insane feeling.
Flawed but pretty funny. Played this game a lot and when it's good it's great. Lots of shenanigans and funny moments in an overall more serious/realistic shooter.
Really funny fps that works with an IP that doesn't demand you know all about it. My friends I played with weren't huge Batman fans like I was, but we all still had tons of fun.
All memes and jokes aside. An incredibly simple game done excellently. Being in a VC with all your friends while playing this leads to some of the most insane moments I've ever experienced.


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