Non-Fire Emblem SRPGs

List of non-Fire Emblem SRPGs I've played and how I like them.

A good story and great cast accompanied by addicting and deep gameplay that made me never want to put it down. I wish I could play this like 5 times in a row in stopped time so my life wouldn't interfere.
Excellent Story even if I haven't done every route, but it's the first "choices" game where I genuinely feel the choices actually matter as the whole game is built around them.

Cast is great, Serenoa is a great MC.

Gameplay is super goof for an SRPG definitely one I'd put at the top tier of the genre for gameplay. Genuinely a thinker each map pretty much.
Terrible PC version aside, there isn't much substance. It's probably the most "is just Fire Emblem" of non-fire emblem SRPGs and while that isn't bad necessarily. It just didn't have anything new or unique to make it memorable nor did the story or cast. It's fine.
Great cast and character designs. Good story. Gameplay is pretty good for a megaten SRPG. Definitely could be a lot better. Late game stuff is kinda wild and generally I think skills/demons/grinding all can be improved.
A good balance of quality story and gameplay. Doesn't excel in either but is good enough to carry through to the end. The unique qualities of this game are fun I like the awakened unit mechanics, most maps are fun iirc. Jeanne has great moments as the MC


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