In what I know is an unpopular opinion, I didn't enjoy Outer Wilds. I technically discovered almost everything I had to discover and was ready to try and trigger the ending when I DNF'd it.

I DID experience a couple of 'Eureka' moments, flying around was fun, the universe was pretty beautiful, but I just didn't have fun. Like, at all, really. I watched the ending on youtube and was glad I didn't finish it, because its terrible.

Slant magazine said the journey here is more reward than the destination, and I couldn't agree more, but the journey for me wasn't fun either.

A Masterfully made go-at-your-own-pace story-discovery game that isn't for everyone, including me.

Played with my 5 y/o son. Didn't really like the game to be honest, but will always cherish the experience.

The first ever game I bought on Steam. I finally played it to completion, 13 years later. Having received near constant updates during that time period, it was so choc-ful of content that it took over 100 hours to complete.

Every minute was FUN though, and I had sort've done just-barely-enough to complete the game. There is still loads of content here if I want it.

A serious contender of a game for me, in one of those "If you could only play one game for the rest of your life" hypotheticals.

I loved this game BECAUSE I played Sea of stars first, and that is one of my favourite games of all time. It is worse than that game though, in my opinion, but still a very good game in its own right.

Loved the twist, the free DLC was good. Definitely worth a play.

I initially thought it was janky and dated, but then things click and it becomes an incredibly precise game of skill.

It was very satisfying to complete, and really absorbs you into its world with it's art style and music.

Worth a play.

A Twin-stick shooter that's excellent for newcomers to the genre, as it's not super difficult at the start but ramps up to a difficult but satisfying final boss. Art, music and gameplay are all very solid, and although I have forgotten all the details, I did really like the story.

Twin-stick shooter veterans seem to find it too easy, though.


A very solid high difficulty boss-battler with twin stick shooter elements. It was very satisfying to finally beat.

As an art-creator tool, its pretty great. As a game, it's not amazing. I'm not good at art, and had a few hours of fun messing around with things, but ultimately I couldn't wait to put this game behind me.

If you ARE the creative type and like to spend an hour or two drawing/painting every now and then, definitely give this a shot.

If you're like me, it's probably better to avoid this one.

A Fantastic metroidvania with a lot of depth. A really great story, and lots of customization options for the way you play. Many side-quests and miscellaneous things to do will be sure to keep you entertained for hours.

A Good game with a terribly slow introduction period. If you can make it through the first 3 levels, the fun factor really starts to pick up.

Collectables were pretty fun to get, the story was told wordlessly and while heartwarming and, at times, thought provoking... was not an interesting story at all.

An RPG that is full of humour. Ultimately, the sheer amount of dialogue and side-quests goes against it here, as it becomes hard to track what you were doing over multiple play-sessions.

It would be unfair to mark down an RPG for being too in-depth and I do remember my time with this game vividly and quite fondly, but I don't want to have to keep notes of the game I'm playing so I am marking it down anyway.

Recommended, just maybe come prepared with a notepad.

Fantastic. What is essentially a single player board game designed from the ground up to be played digitally, so plays without the limitations that physical board games present.

A masterclass in the area, which I think is niche but a growing market, and hope other publishers follow suit with some equally impressive designed-for-digital board games.


Some of the best fun you can have in Couch Co-op.

Me and my wife laughed so hard we cried, and there were none of those argument-inducing levels you sometimes get in other games like overcooked for example.

A great setting, with a beautiful art style. Music and own-language voice-overs really served to transport me to colonial-era Taiwan.

Cast was entertaining, story was good, gameplay was fun and satisfyingly challenging at times.

Great game.

I wanted to like this more, being a big fan of point and click adventure games of the past, and this having such glaringly positive reviews, I expected great things.

Ultimately I was let down, as, although it was good, it wasn't great. The movement is frustratingly slow, some of the minigames are really needlessly long, and it just didn't really do anything to stand out. Perhaps it has aged poorly, as I am playing it rather late on in it's life.