Log Status






Time Played

33h 0m

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


A fascinating game that does so, so much right and so, so much wrong. Or maybe not wrong, just... weird. But in an endearing way.

Awful/endearing graphics and animations. Awful/endearing combat. Awful/endearing "quest lines". Awful/wonderful reliance on community no matter what you're doing.

I think I love this game, but it's not one I can play for long stretches of time. It's definitely one of those "it starts at max level games", but I enjoyed my journey to max level regardless, even if it was just doing a few killing missions per level.

I loved feeling like this was a genuine, living, breathing world entirely built by a still thriving and welcoming community--literally, whole cities built by guilds and dotted with player houses, vendors, dance halls, cantinas... everything. No other MMO can nor has captured this feeling since, and if you love--and I mean REALLY love--pre-Disney Star Wars and have a few willing friends (bonus points if they know what to do), treat yourself to a fun experience, even for a weekend.

Whether it's Pre-CU + NGE, Post CU + NGE, or one of those fascinating hybrid servers, give it a shot. It's grindy, it's messy, it's ugly, and I'll never forget it.