832 Reviews liked by Mancheg00bfusc8r

Three twinks traumatized by the pandemic lock-downs travel to the Italian countryside to mend their relationship in this gripping visual novel. Stunning visuals compliment the horrifying yet profound narrative.

A must play, but heed the content warnings.

Visual feast, I am crazy for stories that are this specific and creatively told.

saw this on the home page of the Epic Game Store and was very pleasantly surprised after finishing it. The art style is unique and appealing and I like the character designs, the backgrounds however are very simple and not necessarily in an aesthetically pleasing way. The soundtrack was amazing, especially the usage of sharp and dreadful sounds in critical moments during the story, definitely play the game with headphones. I think the game's greatest accomplishment is that the story can be enjoyed by anyone. While the story is very clear about it being about a specific relationship dynamic (dating someone with borderline personality disorder), many of the choices and conflicts in the relationship portrayed in the game can be related to/understood by those who haven't been in such a relationship. All in all I think Milky Way Prince is a polished and intriguing indie visual novel for those who enjoy romance/drama stories and are looking for a fresh spin on the genre.

depending on who you are and what your needs are, this not a great game to play if you have unresolved relationship trauma; or, alternately, it's a great game to play if you want to feel very very bad and completely unloveable

Rough around the edges and messy in a way that personal art so often is, but stylish, bursting with earnestness and complicated emotions, and deeply powerful. I found a lot of myself in it, in how it captures the feeling of too-fast love that feels like a gravity well pulling you in, impossible to escape, consuming all thoughts around you. The writing here is often clumsy, but in an intentional and effective way that underscores how it feels to handle these raw emotions, and grants real weight and closeness to this story about how idealized, fictionalized conceptions of relationships can set you up to fall into abuse and exploitation, on both sides of the coin, but also why those dreams of fairytale romance are so intoxicating. The presentation, while simple, is also wonderfully cool and evocative, with some of the best sound design I've seen of late.

One note I should mention is that, as mentioned on the game's various store pages, the game is about a relationship with someone with BPD. I don't have BPD, nor do I have the kind of intimate experience with someone who does that is portrayed in this game. I say this to make clear that while I felt that the game portrayed the relationship with nuance and care, I also don't know what the hell I'm talking about, and could absolutely be wrong about that read.

That said, I think an awful lot of this game is intensely relatable anyway. It won't be for everyone, but it shouldn't be. Sanding off those rough abrasive edges would only dull the impact, and I think the game comes close to that already with an all-too-gamey scene towards the end. Still, Milky Way Prince was for me, and it might be for you too.

It hurts, but sometimes, that's what you need.

bpd and gay sex this is literally me the video game

No matter how beautiful the artstyle, it just couldn't redeem the combat that is focused too much on parrying that to me just doesn't feel satisfying.

A gripping visual novel with phenomenal arthouse adjacent presentation that occasionally comes across as being surface-level but anyone able to look past the veil of hedonism and glamour should find a poignant depiction of young adulthood in our post-pandemic world.

Playing this game as someone who is not gay, not Italian, and played a shit ton of videogame with my friends during Covid, I cannot relate to this game at all, which is exactly why the game is so cool to me. I want to feel the pain without actually experiencing it, the more dramatic the better. Too bad the game has the worst saving system of a visual novel ever. The auto save messes up everything and it cannot be turned off. Skipping content you've already seen is also a pain in the ass.

A stunning game, both visually and narratively. The way this game lets you make your own decisions in the narrative have some real heft to it.

I have not seen so much confidence in an art style since Persona 5. It's such a bright and lush world that feels lonely and horrifying for Claudio, Andrea, and Mida. That topped with the soundtrack? chef's kiss

The things this game says about the impact of the pandemic and how we should move forward are incredible. The writers of this game have such a raw and angry voice that is effective. I lost a bit of my 20s to the pandemic and resonate with trying to pick up the pieces after the fact.

I think the game hits its hardest moment if you do an optional part of the game. So I would suggest people try and get 8 holy cards.

I'll probably revisit this game later to see what Andrea's ascension looked like.

Forgot to log this when I finished it a couple weeks ago. A very good visual novel-esque game that really captures the gen Z post-covid anxieties. The struggle of normalcy, rebuilding relationships, and just living as a very gay italian trio. Enjoyed it thoroughly but the true ending was a bit underwhelming and sometimes it meanders a bit.

Super fresh queer narrative experience. Oozes style.

This game is front-loaded with incredible art and confidence, descending into an ending that's questionably off-the-rails. It's sort of an embodiment of the gen Z anxiety that so painfully saturates it, moving between modes of glitter and face breaking down into overpowering, boundary-less vulnerability.

The game asks you to play it again when you finish it, and I'm not sure I will. The plot ultimately about reconciling with the "lost youth" and damage of the pandemic is pretty brutal and hits a little too close to home. The characters and I are the same age. I would like a cathartic, better ending but I also liked what I played.

Extra points for being one of the sexiest games I've ever played. The charisma and characters are genuine and vital.

Visually innovative visual novel about three gay men reuniting after the pandemic in Italy. I thought it did a good job maintaining a kind of supernatural/surreal feeling to the story and the characters were interesting.