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Mapleknight earned the Liked badge

7 days ago

Mapleknight completed Meme Run

7 days ago

7 days ago

7 days ago

Mapleknight reviewed Star Fox Zero
It's genuinely shocking how uncomfortable this game is to play, and how cynical it is as a product. This game constantly tells you to use your motion controls and to look into the gamepad, in more of an effort to convince itself that its not a fundamental failure, rather than letting the player have fun.

A foolhardy, nostalgia obsessed title that dragged a struggling franchise into its grave.

7 days ago

7 days ago

7 days ago

7 days ago

Mapleknight reviewed 46 Okunen Monogatari: The Shinka Ron
46 Okunen Monogatari: The Shinka Ron is a game as beautiful as it is unique, and as clunky and simple as it is both those other things.

7 days ago

Mapleknight completed 46 Okunen Monogatari: The Shinka Ron
46 Okunen Monogatari: The Shinka Ron is a game as beautiful as it is unique, and as clunky and simple as it is both those other things.

7 days ago

9 days ago

9 days ago

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