think Devil Daggers but with really shitty optimization, location-locked spawns, and no relevant tech

it's not bad but it needs some real optimization + balancing and probably enemy variety if it doesn't want to get boring

Beautiful meta-narrative about chasing what you actually want to do instead of blindly doing what people think you should do, featuring lesbians and a silly guy who wants to quit his job just as bad as I do mine.

Cruiseboosting makes it one of the most incredible movement-based platformers ever made. <3

I owned this and the sequel on PS2, it's..... something.

The History Channel's idea of presenting the Civil War is to shove you into a milquetoast FPS, but with muskets, sabers, and gatling guns in place of assault rifles, pistols, etc, you know the standard FPS arsenal. I believe this also has stealth sections, something the sequel makes its whole shtick out of. It's not interesting in saying anything, it's barely interested in being historically accurate with regard to exact people involved in the specific campaigns. Absurd concept, horrific execution, but not for the reason you'd initially expect.

The absolute abyss of low self-esteem and self-hatred. You are incapable of loving yourself, so maybe you can find others who will love you enough to make up for your own lack of it. Nothing's alrite in our life.

I think that for me, this game is where the Ubisoft Open World Formula became empty and pointless. I've wrestled with getting further than the first two hours of this game at least four or five times now, and I just can't, man. You open this game and it's like someone shoved you back into Far Cry 3 but with a different coat of paint on it.

Dialogue and worldbuilding punctuated by fetch quests. It's worth the tedium to get to talk to Mobius and the Think Tank, and for the Ulysses tapes.

Played on Linux through Proton 6.16-GE-1. Mods in Use: NVSE, NVAC, NV Stutter Remover, 4GB Patch, MTUI.

Not even the addition of femhacker could make the crawl tempting enough, especially the hacking/cyber portions.