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The True Review Route: END

The first review i did was only a partial one, because i loved the game a lot, and couldn't make myself to play until the end on gamepass. So, like a true gamer, i bought the game on steam and finally finished!

AI: Somnium Files is something i was missing in my gaming career, a game i didn't give anything, and the exponencial rating of low expectatives made me like it even more. It's a visual novel, so don't expect a complex gameplay or insane hard puzzles, but they are cool enough to not bother, unless you really want mindblowing puzzles.

Talking about mindblowing, the story. Let's take aside the goofy and bad action scenes for now, i'll return to them later. All the mistery around the New Cyclop Killer and the potential surrouding plots are amazing. If i have done some writings for what i thought the plot would be, i would have to rewrite it at least 5 times. The amount of time the game twisted everything and made me even more confused at the same time made even more sense. I loved every bit.

Ok, now let's return to some scenes. I'm not talking about how Date is stupid (because i love how he is stupid), or the 3.6 reaction time if he is looking for a porno mag. This, surprisingly, has a justification. I'm talking about the combat scenes. Summing up, they are just bad. It's why i can see people not liking, because they are too much anime shit and sometimes imersive breaking. The concept behind Aiba being able to calculate infinite possibilities is good, but the execution is not. They are all stormtroopers who can't hit a single shot, and extreme free perverts. Like i said, anime things, if you like it or not, they are there, and you have to tank some of them.

Characters, we have Date and Aiba, no need for others. The relationship between them is perfect, and makes me wanna interact with every piece of the scenery to hear them joking or talking shit to each other. Besides that, every other character is very good, special mentions for Mizuki, perphaps is the Nanako effect, but i like her ending far more than the other ones. I don't like Iris, but she is not that bad, just little below average.

Soundtrack and art style are good, just like the voice acting, this one is amazing.

I really need to thank gamepass for having games like AI, if not, i never would have played. Must play if you like VN, or just like a good story to sit down and have fun.

The Gamepass Route: END


My new king of the underrated category, a hidden gem.
This game is amazing, the story, the cast, the atmosphere, the world, the scifi, everything. Get only one of the (i think) big endings, but soon i will finish it all and update this review.