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Time Played

12h 20m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 22, 2023

First played

March 18, 2023

Platforms Played


The legendary 999. The game I heard the most about after starting Chunsoft games and this crazy man called Uchikoshi. I finally played it!

It's a visual novel with escape room puzzles. They are cool, but after a while, I started to get tired of them, unfortunately. Sometimes when I am really invested in a story, especially in visual novels, I kinda want to skip gameplay parts because usually nothing really moves the story forward until we return to our novel part. But I did every puzzle, and besides being easy, I now feel smarter :D

The story itself is pretty simple to be honest, and the characters are also very simple. Instead of developing as characters, they were made very charismatic, and pretty fast, you start to like them.

As you might be asking, this review doesn't show someone who liked the game a lot, so why the high rating? Just like the game, it's pretty simple: the game is so well-written. Everything has a connection to something. They took a topic and utilized it very well, no more no less (of course, we have to suspend our disbelief a little, it's still a work of fiction, after all.). There are so many hidden plot points in your face, so many subliminal messages in the puzzles, EVERYTHING has a meaning.

That is what makes 999 so good; it is pretty well-made, well-written, and well-executed. They really sit down and start writing with a burning pen. Definitely one of the best and an amazing start for the later Chunsoft games that I already like so much.