I have enjoyed my time with Atomicrops, it's gameplay is entertaining but the lack of any real story makes me wonder if there is anything past tackling increasingly harder years in the game. I can imagine myself giving up after a few more runs, but it was fun while it lasted.

For as short as Cultic is, it packs a lot into that run time. I loved how open the levels often felt especially in the back half of the game. The music really brought the world to life, along with the journals you found from characters you were following the story. I can't wait to see the next chapter for Cultic and where it might go.

After having tried to play the original Resident Evil 4 on multiple occasions, this was finally enough to get me into make it through and what an incredible game. The number of enemies and difficulty ramps up in a way that did have me losing my cool a few times towards the end but still it was an incredible experience.

While it has taken me quite a while, and some cheat codes to start anywhere in the game, I was finally able to beat the game. I love the gameplay loop and can't wait to be able to beat the game without having to use chapter select. The length of the game is another excellent selling point. In a time where all games are open world behemoths, it is easy to see the appeal in a game that knows exactly how long its gameplay loop can withstand without becoming tiresome.

Bulk Slash, while simple, is engaging and entertaining from beginning to end. The addition of twin stick support brings so much more to the game. If you have a twin stick please use it while playing this game! I love that the translation team chose to play into the corny sound of many translation of the era the game was made in. It brings a level of fun to the game that could not be replicated with a more serious set of voice performances.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is a decent action rpg that picks up the pace after a few hours and having recruited a few more characters to your roster. While it does have far too many side activities that are basic fetch quests. It still can be fun as the game allows you to complete multiple in one go at a dungeon. Enjoyable but not something you'll be thinking about even hours after having beaten it.

Slayers X is everything I hoped it would be. The game reads like a 10 year old boys wish fulfilment with their friends delivering the stilted dialogue. This fantasy continues with ridiculous enemies, areas and naming conventions that only a 10 year old boy would find cool. But, I guess that 10 year old boy still lives inside of me because every outrageous joke, from the psyko's whos death screams are the breakdown from Korn's Freak on a Leash to the Clowns that remind me of Carnevil of all things, had me laughing along with the game and its creators. It might be a little short, but I think the developers understood the lasting power of the joke. I do hope it gets some form a expansion with more enemy variety because I'd love to help that 10 year old boy get out every once an awhile.

This is my first complete earth defense force game. Even though I have played previous games in the franchise, The ability to switch characters and play whoever you want really varied up the gameplay for me in a way that previous EDF games couldn't provide. I really hope the upcoming EDF 6 can grip me the way this game has, and provide an easy to pick up to play and overall enjoyable experience.

Having played the remake of the original game, I was really hoping for another remake. Although I had never played the rest of the series, I figured that they would be just as enjoyable. While I do believe that I was a little misguided on that expectation, I did have plenty of fun while playing this game. (Except for the campfire levels, just frustration incarnate there.) I don't think this game really captures the genius of the first game, but it does try its best. While I haven't finished Beautiful Katamari I would recommend that game to anyone who is looking for more Katamari.

While I did not engage with much of the side quests in the game. I was glad to return to Yakuza after a few years of trying to finish Yakuza 4 and failing. I loved the story of the game and while the combat was lackluster compared to both what came before and what would come after, I still think it was able to hold my attention at least up until a little past the halfway point. I look forward to finally playing Yakuza 7 after years of hearing praise and waiting. I'm glad I'll be able to see it for myself.

The early game was tough and I never expected to have to fight Balteus for 6 or 7 hours before defeating him, but then the game eased up after having got down some of the mechanics and the timing. The game became much easier after Balteus and I really started having fun. The ending I chose was pretty interesting and did leave me wanting to see the other endings. Overall If you can beat Balteus, I think you will be fine playing the rest of the game.

Cassette Beasts is a clever riff on Pokemon. It's characters are what really bring it to life, being believable people you could imagine running into in your normal day to day. I wouldn't say that any of them are especially fleshed out, but they are good enough for you to feel for them. The neverending optimism of the cast is a nice change of pace from plenty of AAA games not made by Nintendo and it's final message is cheery and uplifting in a way I miss seeing in games. It might have felt a tad long, but maybe I also shouldn't have done so much additional material. All around solid game.

I remember playing before they patched some of the traversal mechanics and it wasn't much to write home about. Having returned after a lot of work has clearly been done and a sequel is already out I have to say that there was a lot to like about the game. It had a strong art design and the controls were perfect now. I found trying to figure out where I needed to go difficult and honestly just used a guide when lost. Still it was a good time and definitely kept me captivated for the time I played it.

Shining Force is a captivating alternative to Fire Emblem. While story was very simple I look forward to seeing it further refined in later entries. It's use of Fantasy and Science Fiction brings a level intrigue to the world that I had not expected and was a pleasant surprise. The gameplay while similar to Fire Emblem fixates more on leveling and gear compared to the weapon triangle found in Fire Emblem which is a nice change of pace.

For the first 5 or so hours I was enthralled by the fishing mechanics and really enjoyed the story for as threadbare as it was. It added an air of mystery. The game did start to overstay its welcome by 10 hours, but otherwise I really enjoyed it. The final payoff was not as interesting as the minor characters throughout the game. Keep in mind this game is far more about the journey than the destination.