This game has fantastic music and impressive graphics for 1988. But this is where almost all positives of this game end for me. The combat feels very limited and most of the time you don't feel equiped to fight or defend against the stronger enemies. Which is basically the worst thing you can do designing a Beat 'em Up. Another big problem are the non-existent health pick-ups. You are forced to get through the whole stage with only one health bar. And you don't want to lose a life in basically every stage, because you will need every single life for the final section of the game. The Ninja Warriors in its original form is sadly a far cry from it's two remakes on SNES and Switch. The Switch-Version even has the good music from this version as an unlockable. So there is basically no reason to play the original (except you really can't help yourself).

Reviewed on May 08, 2023
