Terrible story, decent gameplay, excellent music, and some spectacular bosses and cutscenes. 30 hours too long and a convenient plot drag this down so much. It was down hill from the moment I met my dog, childhood friend, and a way out of slavery within 5 minutes just so convenient. The cast has more character outside of the game than inside it. Ben Starr as Clive could be amazing if the script used him and his supporting characters to any great effect. Sometimes it felt like Jill had less lines than the dog, and even less plot relevance. The VA work is not as great as its been lauded to be it can try talk and look like GoT (sometimes) but the moment to moment conversations and pace is awful. So many unnecessary pauses for dramatic effect and it being in English doesn't make it better. The combat is fine I expected better from Devil May Cry 5 lineage there's not much complexity here, plus it being tied to an FF game, not having party members to switch to means by the 15 hour mark the Clive experience is pretty wrung out. Basic combos, and the even more basic (but flashy) ability system work for a time but I'm almost always more interested in what bosses are doing than me, I'd rather play as a coeurl or an Iron Giant anything with more options and control. That spectacle from bosses is what's most enticing about the game and kept me going but for the story and plot development, being dragged by the threat of a dominant and its corresponding Crystal is a massive waste. Even if those fights and setpieces are great in the moment it doesn't add to the diminishing returns and vapid nature of the narrative. I cannot drive home enough how little of what happens in the game in terms of the story is good. From the slavery concepts to Game of Thrones-ification of some elements its all wasted and cumbersome after the initial 2 hours, so if you've played the demo maybe stop with that good memory in mind. I'd love to see this gameplay further developed in a game with a good story and engaging cast of characters but I'll not hold my breath. I hope for a better FF game much like I did when Final Fantasy 15 came and went but it's looking more and more unlikely. I can only be thankful there are plenty RPGs with much better stories than this even in 2023.

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2023


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