Makes me wish Microsoft would buy more studios and fund other fantastic projects like this

Best LEGO and best Marvel game, all in one

Many design decisions could make me dislike the game but it has so much content I cannot complain. Would be cool to unlock all the onions earlier, the dandori battles are not that fun and the amount of dialogue can be annoying at the beginning, but overall this is a sublime package and definitely the best way for new players to get into the franchise. Here´s to it selling great so we can have Pikmin 5 within the next 20 years.

It´s a shame that such an original concept is held back by trying so hard to be a different game. While the art direction is interesting, with most mechanics coming directly from other titles it´s really hard for me to say I outright like it. If it was more original with it´s gameplay, it could've easily become one of my all-time favourites, but as it is right now it only makes me wonder why am I not playing the actual Dark Souls games instead of an attempt at copying it.

Unfortunately for myself as along-time Sonic fan, this is yet another 2D game trying to capture the essence of the original while not undersatanding what makes them fun in the first place. Feels weird to call it "Superstars" with only 4 playable characters and a brand new original one. The levels and boss fights are way too long and boring, with the firsthaving uninspired design plagued with annoying obstacles and the latter taking forever because they rely on you answering certain attacks whenever they cycle through them instead of actually looking for an openind while avoiding said attacks. Overall, great potential to improve upon in the future via DLC or sequels, but not one of the series' greatest.

While it is really short, every single second I spent playing this cure little game was filled with fun and enjoyment. The combat is satisfying and leaves you wanting more. The graphics are insanely charming and the story, while simple, makes you really feel like you serve... a higher authority.

The worse freaking game I've ever played