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This game really makes you feel like an amphibious space explorer/anthropologist stuck in an unending time loop at the end of the universe. Unraveling the web of knowledge left being by the Nomai is incredibly satisfying. No two playthroughs of this game are going to be the same. You're free to go wherever and take the journey at your own pace. I wish someone would bonk me over the head hard enough to make me forget this whole game so I could play it again

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The atmosphere and visual story telling in this expansion is incredible. The slide reals are so fun to examine. I vastly prefer them to the mountain of text in the base game. The narrow scope of the expansion helped every discovery feel impactful and relevant. Andrew Prahlow knocked it out of the park with the soundtrack.

The story of this dlc weaves it's way into the base game in such a clever and beautiful way. Watching the Hatchling share the story of the Nomai and Hearthians with the Prisoner brought me to tears.

My only complaint about this game is the stealth segments. They were frustrating and seemed a little out of place.

Memorable and unique metroidvania. The reflection and particle effects are mesmerizing and the sound design couldn't be better.