Once you complete the tutorial levels, that's pretty much all this game is. Kind of infuriating game design as well, to be honest, from having to learn the schedules of every house, to having too little inventory space to actually clean out most houses in one go (meaning you have to make multiple trips) it all adds up to a cocktail of frustration instead of the actual joyful glee you should be feeling at being a thief.
Lesson learnt, I guess - crime is boring.

Actually had a ton of fun with this game, but I did lose my save progress due to a bug, which really sucked. I played completely solo and managed to make it up to level 30 and was having an absolute blast before it happened, so it was certainly a blow.
Will probably return to this once it's completed so I can do a proper run.

A pretty fun throwback to Max Payne, with some great voice acting and an intriguing story. Unfortunately, the enemy variety is really lacking and the game needed to be about half as long as it is because it is just a slog to get through after like 20 levels.

A great time was had with this, and I actually poured some money into it as well, which I never do with free-to-play games. We've basically caught up to the TCG now (Snake-Eye is the most dominant deck at the moment), so I think this as good a time as any to dip out and retire.

This is just Kratos in therapy and I am all for it. Just a great little DLC adventure and a perfect capstone to the main game that closes the loop on Kratos and his entire journey. This would honestly be the perfect place to retire him and let him live out the rest of his days in hope and peace.

Actually enjoyed this way more than I was expecting. It was one of those games that got released and I didn't hear anything about it, so I figured it was probably pretty mediocre and would have never even touched it if it hadn't landed for free on PSN.
It's honestly pretty damn fun and I played it basically non-stop for a week, completely hooked. The story and characters are interesting, with some really strong performances, especially from Sam Witwer. The combat is satisfying, hefty and chunky, with the real fun being taking on the hordes. Despite performance hiccups, it's just satisfying to be a goddamn Drifter.

An underrated gem. I honestly have never heard anybody say anything about this game, but I tried it because it's free with PS+, and I'm glad I did. It captures the irreverent spirit of the Guardians films, but the characters are more true to their comic book counterparts. Listening to the team banter between missions is as much fun as Dragon Age: Origins, and the story is actually really good. I was not expecting as much emotional pathos and chuckle-worthy wittiness. The cast they got is also great and delivers outstanding performances.
The only downsides I can think of is the combat gets repetitive and there are some nasty bugs. Nothing game-breaking, but some sequences did have my PS4 lagging a little too much. There's also a glitch with collectables that is very irritating, but I managed to work my way around that for the platinum.
Overall, I had an actual blast with this one. It's a great experience that I doubt we'll ever get again. It's not as standout amazing as Marvel's Spider-Man, but it's a definite sleeper hit. A lesser masterpiece.

The Vampire Survivor of Poker. Insanely addictive gameplay loop that is just a joy to play, even if you don't make any real progress in a run. And when you do finally put together a broken build and annihilate a run, it's so much fun to see how far you can take your build.

Actually had a lot more fun with this game than I was expecting to.
For one, it looks absolutely gorgeous, and it uses the familiar Ubisoft gameplay hook of throwing you into a big city with a bunch of icons to collect - which my ADHD/Gaming OCD brain eats up. I played the whole game solo and completed most of the content. The only thing left to do would be to replay missions and run around the Dark Zone to get better gear, but I don't see the purpose of doing that at all as I've completed the game's storyline.
The game is not perfect by any means though. It does suffer from bullet-sponge boss design and repetition, especially in mission variety, but I actually never really had too much of an issue with anything. I had zero expectations of what this game even was to be honest. I thought it was just a multiplayer shooter for the longest time, but a buddy told me it had a story mode I could solo. That was literally the only reason I tried it out. I hadn't even seen what the gameplay looked like before trying it! It was kinda fun to just turn off my brain, throw on podcasts and just run around the post-apocalyptic New York City. Sure, there are quality-of-life improvements that could have been made such as vehicle navigation, or the ability to spawn outside safehouses if you get murked randomly, but overall I had a good time with this experience.

A fascinating world and characters bogged down by just boring, repetitive gameplay. I would love to explore more of this world though, as this is definitely one of the most interesting cyberpunk settings I've ever seen.

Short, sweet, ultimately unremarkable compared to other indie gems that attempt to explore similar themes.


An interesting experience, but not one that I thoroughly enjoyed or was fully engrossed in all the way through. There are moments of almost Disco Elysium levels of brilliance in the story-telling and writing here, but as it stands, it cannot touch those hallowed peaks quite yet. The minigames are a fun distraction, but the ending was very lacklustre and abrupt, and I felt there were definitely aspects of the world and the characters you meet that could have been more thoroughly explored.

Short, sweet, fluid and fun. All I really ask for from an indie title really.

A fun mix of AC: Odyssey and Breath of the Wild.
I liked the more comedic storyline and dialogue, and the art style looks great. The open-world collect-a-thon aspect can be very tiring, but once you max out your stats and get your trophies, you can basically ignore what you no longer need to collect - which is what I did. The main meat of the gameplay is the exploration and puzzle-solving, as combat is trivial after a certain point, and I think the game definitely nails those aspects. There is only one area of the game that is super frustrating and that is the northern most landmass - King's Peak. It is just a super unfun bummer area after the cool locations we explore throughout the rest of the game.
Overall though, I had a good time with this game.

A great little space horror experience. Reminded me fondly of films like 2001 and Event Horizon. Definitely the strongest experience I've had with one of these "space station explorers", or whatever this genre of game is.