13 reviews liked by MechaPosadist

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this is my second time playing this game and I'll be honest, i like it less. I'm gonna list what i dislike about this game, it will be kinda scattered, but whatever.

This game completely fails to understand what made the first game so great and just falls apart. Everything the first game does well, this game does poorly. there's more bosses, and most of them are bland and forgettable save for about 3. The humor in this is crude and forgettable. The first game had plenty of crude humor but it was all with purpose and written well. Travis jerks off his beam katana cause he thinks its funny and the fact that a grown man finds it funny is whats funny. It also accurately reflects his character; a loser. in this game the joke is that the battery meter is a dick, its like a boner, do you get it? They also make travis out to be some fucking cool guy that is badass and what not. I know in the first game he says cool one liners and kills people but travis was still a loser, its what makes him stand out and what makes him endearing. in this i really dont find his character unique. in the first game, sylvia is shown teasing travis as a means to further get him to murder and she is also always shown as sexual when talking to travis, and it always has to do with the story, this game turns sylvia into a brutally, poorly written, 1 note character who only serves to be fanservice. (granted i appreciate that they end up together). The first games jobs were "boring" (i found them extremely fun) and mundane because the life travis lives outside of being a killer is boring and mundane, it reflects that life can be boring and you can live your whole life without purpose. this game trades that for annoying, far too long snes games that are just sooooo bad imo. This games story is also really poorly written, since its just a less good version of the first game. Also, what is the point of making shinobu almost kiss travis, whats that serve? As far as combat goes, yeah i guess technically it is better, but the first one has a special charm to it that i absolutely adore, this one has alot of really spongy enemies and the wrestling moves are far less hype. In the first game, you could ride around town with your bike, the town was really unpopulated and the town felt dead. this really added to the atmosphere of everything and really made Travis's life feel boring, its all intentional. The second game removes that, which, i get it, some people don't care about the artsy or the meta aspects of the first game, they find it boring. but i dont, i loved that apsect, it makes the game soooo special and unique. Here's something that might be nitpicky, how the fuck did henry get beat by a boss he literally one shots in the first game?????? what was up with that??? speaking of STRANGE fucking decisions, why have travis kill 2 completely innocent black women, and say absolutely nothing, and then kill like 25 white cheerleaders and claim to feel bad for killing them. Whether or not thats intentionally racist as fuck isn't important, its just really REALLY bad writing and is also racist. Level design in this is also less good, every area in the first one felt really interesting, and cool. i couldnt wait to see what was next. this one every area kinda blends into one and other or just feels bland. the enemy design never changes and the bosses dont get introduced at the start of the level, hell most of them dont even have flashy names, they're just called "charlie mcdonald" or "chole walsh". I really do not like how this game presents its levels. I also can't for the life of me figure out what the fuck is up with sylvias weird "sexy" cutscenes. i truly don't know what the point of that is. The style in this game feels gross, and poorly done. Also i have no idea if this is a bug but at the start of every level, music doesnt play and i do not know why. truthfully, from a non die hard fans perspective this game is like a 2.5 or something, but to me, its a 1 because of how disappointing it is. This game is such a disappointment to me because i love the first one with all my heart and this one just does not understand what made the first one so great. it's a shame really.

Incredibly atmospheric, tense, and filled with tons of depth both in gameplay and lore/story. While this game is cruel there is so much more to it than that. There's a method to its brutality and an intricately thought out world for you to discover as you delve into the dungeons of fear and hunger. This is an fantastic passionately created game that's well worth your time and attention.

It's not funny on a surface level and it only gets less so when you actually think about it - when I was 14 this game was a fascination of mine because what other game has mechanics like using a cat as a silencer, or pissing everywhere? In retrospect, I definitely mistook novelty for quality.

Also in retrospect, it's probably good that 14-year-old me thought this game didn't really have anything serious to say outside of the in-game protest. I was wrong, of course - it has plenty to say, but it's nothing meaningful, it's said poorly, and the ideas contained therein are not worth the time it takes to uncover them - they are certainly not worth the time it takes to make an entire goddamn video game.

so cool and edgy and cool sunglasses emoji

The only bad thing about this game is the "Metal Gear" in the title.

Mediocre remaster of a perfect game.

okay game, spent the entire time pretending the main characters were gay lovers on the run together

It baffles me that this is considered by most to be the "worst" Gears game, the multiplayer is meh but the campaign tells a clear story with interesting framing and has some of the most enjoyable missions and gameplay inclusions in the pre-timeskip games.

Some of the challenges are infuriating and the wave defence segments are horrible but the rest is enjoyable and feels like it had a lot of love put into it, the scoring and stars system really adds a boost to enjoying the combat past just shooting enemies and reminds you to use a varied loadout when fighting.

However I wouldn't recommend playing this solo, I feel like if I wasn't playing this with someone else it wouldn't be nearly as fun without laughing at each others weird statistics at the end of a level or just having someone to talk to during some of the real pacing issues around the middle of the game.

TL;DR: Game isn't that bad, worth a co-op play with how short it is overall.

free 1000 gamerscore and a cute little game to go with it

fun little game to play with friends, plus if you feel like it you can spent a whole round hugging a pretty girl in an elevator while your friend screams at your other friend to kill you both