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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 26, 2023

Platforms Played


Genuinely dislike this game. The music's interesting, I like the callbacks to Contra: Hard Corps with its boss designs, but oh my goodness this game is the absolute worst to play. There's just no way to get around the way it controls and the feedback with killing your enemies here is non-existent, it is not satisfying one bit. There is that silly warcry when you finish a level and the cutscene with the hilariously indecipherable dialogue you get before the penultimate level, so yeah it does have its redeemable qualities, just that the bad outweigh the good here that's for sure. Folks really mean it when they say this is a bad game, it's absolutely one of the worst games I've ever played and nostalgia won't save it in my case.